My main event page is now showing home page content.

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    I recently updated the permalinks from event calendar and flushed the permalinks.

    Now when I go to the calendar/main events page I get the title of the page correct but it is displaying my home page content and no list or calendar of events.


    Looks like its my code…. I tried to add the events to my feed and started playing with this code.
    // add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'my_get_posts' );
    // function my_get_posts( $query ) {
    // if ( ( is_home() && $query->is_main_query() ) || is_feed() )
    // $query->set( 'post_type', array( 'post', 'page', 'album', 'movie', 'quote' ) );
    // return $query;
    // }

    is there a link to add the events to the main feed or its own feed?

    Joyce Grace

    Hello Ken,

    Can I ask what you’re trying to accomplish? Is there a reason you can’t set the permalinks back to “postname”? That might work.

    If you’re trying to integrate the blog categories with your event categories this tutorial might help:

    We also have a list of tutorials here, and I’m hoping one of them is what you are looking for:

    If the events don’t show up in the feed where they are supposed to be, and you haven’t done modifications to the plugin, then something is up, and that should be addressed.

    Sorry if I’m not being very helpful 🙁


    Hi Joyce,

    I am trying to get my events to appear in my main feed. When I put the above coded in my functions I think I was getting home page content placed in my main grid page. I have it out for now and permalinks and everything is fine. Right now my feed appears when I go to
    I only have 4 “posts” and that is the only thing that appears in my feed. I am not able to get my CPT to appear in the main feed at this time.


    Hi Ken. Thanks for the follow-up here, and I apologize for the delay in getting you a response on this one…Joyce is actually no longer with us, unfortunately, but I’ve passed this onto another member of the team who will take point and get you a response no later than tomorrow.

    Thanks again for your patience and support so far.


    Hi Ken – sounds like an interesting idea. Would something like this meet your needs?


    Is it just me or does it seem odd that the feed shows the date the event was created and not the date of the event?


    Hi Ken, sorry about the delay getting back to you.

    Yes I would expect that to show the post date (which is typically the date the event was created) – I’m sure it’s possible to do something else there with some further action and filter magic but I’d reckon that is outwith the scope of support we can provide here.

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