Multisite Licence Question

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Multisite Licence Question

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    We currently have 3 licences, two on standalone sites and one on a multisite installation.

    Two of the licences are being used for charities too.

    We have come to renew and noticed an error message about the multisite installation. Although this is a multisite setup, events calendar will only ever be used on the main domain and not the two sub-domain sites that were simply set up to limit access to small sections of the website for groups.

    Can you advise about our licence situation please.


    Removed the network activation and activated it only on the site we needed it on.


    Hey Ian,

    Thanks for getting in touch and for following up on your question! You did exactly the right thing by activating the plugin on the specific site where it is needed. Great job!

    For further reference on multisite network licenses, we wrote up a guide that helps explain how they work and are different than the other license types:

    I’ll go ahead and close this thread but let us know if any other questions come up and we’d be happy to help. 🙂


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