Multiple duplicate listings are appearing

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    I don’t even know where to begin. If you go to my events calendar You’ll see that the listing for “Imagination Playground™” repeats itself all the way down the page and it all links to the same post. Help please!


    Hi @frugalphillymom,

    Sorry for the trouble!

    It looks like that event is set up as a recurring event. Would you be willing to go to the editor for that event and take a screenshot of the recurrence setting for it so I can check them out? I have a feeling that the recurrence settings might be creating lots of duplicates in this case and having a screenshot will help me determine that for you.



    This reply is private.


    Ah yes, that’s exactly it!

    Do you see the setting that says “Recurrence Rules: Every day and will end never”? That is what is telling the calendar to create so many copies of the same event.

    You will want to delete that event (so that it completely wipes all the recurring events from the site) and re-publish it without the recurrence setting in place.

    If, however, you would like to have the event recur every day with no end, then I would suggest heading to Events > Settings and checking the option for “Recurring Event Instances” (screenshot) so that the calendar’s list views only show one instance of the event rather than all of them.

    Will this work for you? Please let me know. 🙂



    Ok, I deleted the event listing but it’s still showing up on the calendar on my site in duplicates but when you click on the link it goes to an empty page. for example the listing for “Imagination Playground™”

    Any idea why this is happening?


    Did you use the same recurrence settings for the event that you did before? Also, have your tried turning off the “Recurring event instances” options in Events > Settings?


    I had previously left a reply and somehow it never posted.

    I did turn off the Recurring event instances option and nothing worked.

    My main issue now is that the Imagination Playground™ listing has taken over my entire calendar ( I went in to delete the event and it’s still showing up and doesn’t link to anything. At this point it is making my calendar completely useless. I’m suppose to renew Community Events but I’ve been putting it off until this is resolved.

    Any other suggestions?


    Thanks for following up and sorry for the continued trouble here!

    Would you be willing to share your system information with me? You can grab that by heading to Events > Settings > Help, copying the system information at the bottom of the screen, and pasting it here as a private reply. That will help me check a few settings out and double-check a couple of other configurations.



    This reply is private.


    Awesome, thanks for the info!

    What we know so far is this:

    • You had a recurring event
    • That recurring event was set to repeat infinitely and never end
    • You turned off the recurring event settings for that event
    • The event’s recurrences are still showing up on the calendar

    What I’d like to do next is try to delete the event completely and republish a fresh version of it. The reason I want to try this is because it is possible that the existing event is somehow cached on your site and completely removing it will allow things to start from scratch.

    Will you please:

    • Delete the event and all of it’s recurrences from the WordPress admin. You can delete the parent event and all of the recurrences will be deleted as well.
    • Head to Settings > Permalinks from the WordPress admin. The only thing you need to do here is click the “Save Changes” button even though you are making no changes. This is called “flushing” your permalinks and can sometimes help with clearing a site’s cache.
    • Check the calendar on the front end of your website. Does the event still show up on the calendar?

    Let’s stop there and proceed once we know the answer to that last question.



    I’m crying tears of joy. Thank you it worked!

    I will be renewing community events now and we are back in business!!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


    My absolute pleasure! So sorry for the initial trouble but I am super happy to hear all is working now. 🙂


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