Multiday Event Cutoff

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    Thanks Paul. Jonah will take a look at this next pass he takes on the forum; we can bring another dev in to help as needed from there.


    Thank Rob,

    Some more info.

    Multi-date cut off seems fine in the events calender widget on the top page but not on the calender view on the events page


    Excellent. This is helpful; thanks man. We’ll do what we can to help get this squared away.


    Hi there, I’m having some issues with my Events List displaying regular events as a multi-day event. I was hoping to change have the multi-day events display the Start Date (just the day and date – time is in a separate field) and the End Date while the single day events (events ending before 4a – a lot of club/parties are listed) will only list the Start Date.

    I chopped up the code that was in the list.php document a bit to get the desired results but currently even events that end at 11pm will show the multi-day code. Below is what I have currently:

    <td class="tribe-events-event-meta-value" itemprop="startDate" content=""> —

    <td class="tribe-events-event-meta-value multi" itemprop="endDate" content="">

    <td class="tribe-events-event-meta-value notmulti" itemprop="startDate" content="">

    My apologize if this is something simple I’m overlooking, thank you for any assistance!!


    Oops, sorry, the code didn’t paste very nicely. No worries!

    Thanks again!


    No problem, Nakturnal. I’ll get Joey to take a look at your code and see if he can identify what’s up next pass he does on the forums. Have a great weekend.

    Joey Kudish

    Hi nakturnal,

    I’d like to help out, but to be honest I don’t quite understand what it is you’re trying to achieve. I looked at the code you pasted and at first glance it looks fine.

    * What exactly are you trying to achieve? Can you clarify?
    * What are you getting as a result with this code?
    * Can you provide with a link or screenshot of what you’re getting?

    Thanks & best regards,


    Hi Joey,

    Thanks for the response and looking into this! I’ll answer all your questions and I attached a screenshot of what I’m trying to do, as well.

    1. I would like ONLY the Events Listing loop to display 10 posts. When I added this code it changed the Widget’s listing to 10 posts, as well, which is not what I want. 5 posts in the widget and 10 on the Upcoming Events listing. I tried coming up with an If statement to see if the loop was a Widget or not but I lack the skills.

    2. The widget and the upcoming events listing both change to display 10 posts instead of just the upcoming events. Even if I change the widget’s posts to 5 on the admin control panel the code just overwrites it and makes it list 10.


    link to the screenshot if the above link does not work:

    Let me know if that all makes sense! Thank you very much!

    Joey Kudish

    Hi nakturnal,

    Are you referencing the same code that you were talking about in the pastebin above? ? Are you sure you’re not mixing up two different issues/requests here? Just trying to make sure we’re on the same page because the code from the pastebin has nothing at all to do with how many events appear on a page. If you show me exactly what code you used to modify the number of events I can help out more 🙂

    Let us know!


    Oh holy cow, sorry about that! I guess I had a couple issues on here and just replied to the last one I posted instead of looking at the post (trying to do too much multi-tasking).

    Ok, so what I was trying to get at with the PasteBin is to have an event that is on multiple days to show the Time, Start Date, and End Date. While the events that are on only one day (though they may end at 2a or 3a) to only show the Time and Start Date.

    That way I don’t have to have the start and end date on every event. Currently I just have the Start Date so on a multi-day event it looks like it happened last week but yet it is still going on for another couple days (it only shows the Start Date).

    So pretty much I would like to have the events that span over multiple days to have a slightly different code so it is easy to read and understand for the end user. For an event that only goes from say, Friday night at 9p until Saturday morning at 2a then they just need to know it starts on Friday and the “Time” section will have the ending time of 2a in it. Then for an event that goes from Friday at 5p until next Thursday at 10p I would like to have it show the Start Date and End Date along with the times.

    Multi-Day event would look like:
    Start Date: Monday, January 23rd, 2012 @ 5pm
    End Date: Tuesday, January 31st, 2012 @ 10pm

    One day event would look like:
    Time: 9p – 2a
    Date: Monday, January 23rd, 2012

    And for now if there are different times for different days that a multi-day event has then we can add it into the description.

    Is that more clear? Sorry about the confusion! The site I’m working on has a lot of events and they want to add a lot more on going events but I had to tackle this issue before they could do so. I greatly appreciate the help! Let me know if this doesn’t make sense, I’ll be around all evening.



    The first issue I responded about was to have a separate loop for the Upcoming Events page so it displayed more events than the homepage loop. Currently there are only 5 and I would like to get the events to show 10 and the homepage/events widget to stay at 5.

    Here’s the code that I got from Jonah originally:

    This issue would be great to figure out but the multi-day one is more important.

    Thank you very much for the help!!


    Hi naktural, not sure what is going on with the Multi day issue but I think I have a solution for you with the widget/events list. The code I provided you would affect all queries on the page, including the events list and the widget list so it was not ideal to being with. Instead try modifying list.php (make a duplicate copy in an ‘events’ folder in your theme) and right before the if(have_posts()) code add:


    That should get it so it only modifies the list and not the widget.

    Joey Kudish

    Hi naktural,

    Looks like Jonah’s got you covered with the widget/events list. Please let us know if the solution doesn’t work for you.

    As for the multi-day issue. I believe that the plugin, as-is, should already do what you want. For example, it already shows start + end date for multi-day events. As for removing the end date for events that are the same day but run past midnight, you should be able to set what time is considered the multi-day cut-off with the setting under Settings > The Events Calendar as per this screenshot

    Let me know if I misunderstood your request or if that doesn’t solve your issue.



    Hi guys,

    I just got back from vacation and have started back in trying to figure out these problems. I’ll answer each problm separately so they stay organized.

    Jonah, I tried adding that code above the loop in List.php but it did something peculiar. All of the events after the first one showed no thumbnail and all of the event’s dates changed to the first event’s date. So I tried going back to the original code you supplied for me and was looking into using the conditional statement “is_active_widget” but after messing with various If statements and trying to figure out the best way to separate the widget and the list’s loop, I was still unsuccessful.

    Could you do a PasteBin with the code that you have above in the actual List.php code? Maybe I misunderstood and added it incorrectly or something. I feel like it was soooo close but I just couldn’t figure it out yet.

    I appreciate your assistance!!


    Hi Joey,

    So with the events from yesterday still showing up I have also tried many solutions but am still unsuccessful. I was playing with the Multi-day Cut-off in the settings quite a bit and it didn’t do the trick. I have it set for 4AM right now but it shows events that are on the previous day about 24hrs back.

    I added a little code to see what time the site was looking at right above the loop in List.php. I added all of the extras to see the timezone and the full time format and the result was puzzling.

    Added this: echo date(‘F j, Y, g:i a – T – r’);

    This showed UTC time – which is 5 hours ahead of what I have set on the General Settings on the site (New York time). I’m not sure if that is the correct time that the site is loading but that would make since to why it is loading dates incorrectly. The puzzling thing about it is that the UTC time is 5 hours ahead and the events are loading from almost 24hrs behind.

    I haven’t updated to the newest version of ECP just yet – do you think that may solve this issue? When I update the “events” folder in my theme doesn’t change, correct? Would I have to manually go through all of the code and update the additions / changes I have made for this particular site?

    I appreciate your help!! This situation is driving me crazy and I have spent way too many hours pouring over code and looking for solutions. The plugin is great and your help is invaluable – thanks again!


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