Move the RSVP section / Change the "FROM" on RSVP Emails confirmations

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Move the RSVP section / Change the "FROM" on RSVP Emails confirmations

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    1. By default, the RSVP section is at the bottom of the event, below the venue section (and map) and above the Related Events section (and pagination for previous / next events).

    It’s kind of buried. Can that RSVP section easily be moved closer to the top? Or perhaps, is there a shortcode to use for it to put it within the content?

    Ideally, would like to move the RSVP section up, right below the content / above the “organizer” and “venue” sections so it’s more easily seen.

    2. Right now, by default, the email confirmations sent to people who RSVP come from “WordPress” like this:

    From: WordPress <[email protected]>

    How can we change the from name and email address?

    Help? Thanks!



    FYI: In our forums we keep our threads focused on just one issue at a time to ensure we fully answer each of your questions/issues. Please keep this in mind for the future.


    Please see

    Note, this will be a plugin option once version 4.4 is released (probably a few weeks), which will make it easy to change and won’t require the code snippet that’s currently at that KB article.


    One of these third-party (not guaranteed, tested, or supported by us) plugins may be what you’re looking for:

    Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions on this topic.


    Thank you. Sorry about the multiple questions.

    The plugin solution worked, so thanks! We’ll wait for the release of the next plugin so we can move that RSVP section. Thank you again!


    I’m glad to hear. Have a great week!

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