Month View – Event Title not displaying

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  • #144595

    I have had the Events Calendar installed for awhile. With the latest update all of the events in month view have changed to dots and are not clickable.


    Hi Katie – sorry to hear you are hitting difficulties.

    It looks like some responsive behaviours are being triggered a little prematurely (normally things would display like that only if the browser is resized to a smaller size/a small handheld device screen is being used).

    Can you tell me if there are any custom templates within your theme, possibly in a directory marked tribe-events? It looks to me like you do – and I wonder if they might be impacting here.

    Can you try renaming that directory to x-events (this will temporarily disable those customizations) and see if the month view displays normally?



    I am also having the same issues, but only on Mobile Devices. Our Calendar can be found here
    We have been using this plugin for a long time now, but ever since the update a few weeks back, we are having this issue. Is there a fix, or something we should be doing differently?


    I don’t have any custom templates that I know of.
    How would I rename the directory? thanks


    I am also having the same issues, but only on Mobile Devices.

    Hi parkadmin – so that doesn’t actually sound like the same issue. Definitely feel free to monitor this thread – but for help with your specific issue please open a new thread of your own πŸ™‚

    I don’t have any custom templates that I know of.
    How would I rename the directory? thanks

    So I can see you are using a theme called Espresso and I believe that may actually ship with a number of pre-built custom events templates (in fact, I can see that they are present on your site). So they aren’t custom in the sense that you yourself put them in place (rather, the theme author did) but even so they may be the source of this issue.

    Using either an FTP application or your web hosting control panel’s file browser, navigate to your theme directory (wp-content/themes/espresso) – within this you will see another directory named tribe-events. Try renaming tribe-events to x-events and see if it resolves this problem. Doing so will also change other things about event related views but it would be helpful to figure out if the problem you have described is due to these templates or not (and after figuring this out you can of course change the name of that directory back to what it was previously).

    Thanks – and let me know how you get on πŸ™‚


    I went in and changed the directory name as you suggested. It changed the look of the calendar, but only the dots remained instead of the event name and they were not clickable. Is there something else I can try?


    Or is there a way to reinstall an older version of the events calendar? It used to work and I’d like to go back to the version we had before.


    I found your code to undo the responsive design on another thread and now it works perfectly. Thanks


    Oh, excellent (and sorry we didn’t respond sooner – but we don’t normally monitor the forums over the weekend and I personally was out for most of Friday, hence a longer delay than is usual).

    In that case and as you marked the thread resolved I’ll go ahead and close the thread. Of course if we can help with anything else please don’t hesitate to open new threads as needed πŸ™‚

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