Month Display shows bullets instead of event names

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  • #1149978

    After the last update all I can see are bullets in month view. Please advise.

    Thank you.


    I’ve read up on the breakpoint. I don’t know where to put the code suggested in my functions.php file. Can it go anywhere? I’m not a programmer, so I need specific baby steps.

    I was able to find /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/functions/template-tags/general.php (around lines 654 and 1569) and make the change from 768 to 600. I was also able to edit the tribe-events.js file located here: /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/resources/js/tribe-events.js (from lines 1091 to 1200)

    But the site is still displaying the mobile version of the month view.

    Geoff B.

    Good evening Alan and welcome back!

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    We are sorry to hear about the mobile version of the month view displaying on your site, regardless of the screen size.
    I would love to help you with this topic.

    As a side note, before we begin, it seems like you are actually not fully at the latest versions.
    the Events Calendar is now at 4.2.4 and the Events Calendar Pro at 4.2.3

    I would strongly advise not touching the plugin core files.
    If you want to make changes, I would recommend using our Themer’s guide to get a sense of how that works.

    To answer your related question, yes the snippet can go “anywhere” in your functions.php file. As long as you don’t paste it in the middle of another function, you should be fine. If you are struggling with this, I can do it for you.

    That being said, I suspect that the cause of the issue is some template customization in your WordPress theme (that might need some updating).

    Could you please send me a copy of your WordPress theme / child theme in a .zip file link (via Dropbox or Google Drive) so that I can run some tests on my end ?

    On your end, you can do a quick test to see if temporarily reverting back to a default WordPress theme such as twenty-fifteen solves the issue.

    Best regards,

    Geoff B.


    I have the theme on google drive. I just need your email to share it with you.


    I added the code at the bottom, but it had no effect.


    * Goodlayers Function File
    * ———————————————————————
    * This file include all of important function and features of the theme
    * to make it available for later use.
    * ———————————————————————

    // constants
    define(‘GOODLAYERS_PATH’, get_template_directory_uri());
    define(‘AJAX_URL’, admin_url( ‘admin-ajax.php’ ));
    define(‘FONT_SAMPLE_TEXT’, ‘Sample Font’); // sample font text of the goodlayers backoffice panel

    $date_format = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.’_default_date_format’,’F d, Y’);
    $widget_date_format = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.’_default_widget_date_format’,’M d, Y’);
    define(‘GDL_DATE_FORMAT’, $date_format);
    define(‘GDL_WIDGET_DATE_FORMAT’, $widget_date_format);

    $gdl_icon_type = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.’_icon_type’,’dark’);
    $gdl_footer_icon_type = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.’_footer_icon_type’,’light’);

    $gdl_admin_translator = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.’_enable_admin_translator’,’enable’);
    $gdl_is_responsive = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.’_enable_responsive’,’disable’);
    $gdl_is_responsive = ($gdl_is_responsive == ‘enable’)? true: false;

    $default_post_sidebar = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.’_default_post_sidebar’,’post-no-sidebar’);
    $default_post_sidebar = str_replace(‘post-‘, ”, $default_post_sidebar);
    $default_post_left_sidebar = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.’_default_post_left_sidebar’,”);
    $default_post_right_sidebar = get_option(THEME_SHORT_NAME.’_default_post_right_sidebar’,”);

    // get the path for the file ( to support child theme )
    if( !function_exists(‘get_root_directory’) ){
    function get_root_directory( $path ){
    if( file_exists( STYLESHEETPATH . ‘/’ . $path ) ){
    return STYLESHEETPATH . ‘/’;
    return TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/’;

    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/include-script.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/include-script.php’); // include all javascript and style in to the theme
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/utility.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/utility.php’); // utility function
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/function-regist.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/function-regist.php’); // registered wordpress function
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/goodlayers-option.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/goodlayers-option.php’); // goodlayers panel
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/fontloader.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/fontloader.php’); // load necessary font
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/shortcode-generator.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/shortcode-generator.php’); // shortcode

    // dashboard option
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/meta-template.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/meta-template.php’); // template for post portfolio and gallery
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/post-option.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/post-option.php’); // meta of post post_type
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/page-option.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/page-option.php’); // meta of page post_type
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/portfolio-option.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/portfolio-option.php’); // meta of portfolio post_type
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/testimonial-option.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/testimonial-option.php’); // meta of portfolio post_type
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/price-table-option.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/price-table-option.php’); // meta of portfolio post_type
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/gallery-option.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/gallery-option.php’); // meta of portfolio post_type

    // exterior plugins
    if(!class_exists(‘ReallySimpleCaptcha’)) {
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/really-simple-captcha/really-simple-captcha.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/really-simple-captcha/really-simple-captcha.php’); // capcha comment plugin class
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/filosofo-image/filosofo-custom-image-sizes.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/filosofo-image/filosofo-custom-image-sizes.php’); // Custom image size plugin
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/dropdown-menus.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/dropdown-menus.php’); // Custom dropdown menu

    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/misc.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/misc.php’); // misc function to use at font-end
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/page-item.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/page-item.php’); // organize page item element
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/blog-item.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/blog-item.php’); // organize blog item element
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/comment.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/comment.php’); // function to get list of comment
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/pagination/pagination.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/pagination/pagination.php’); // page divider plugin
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/social-shares.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/social-shares.php’); // page divider plugin
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/really-simple-captcha/cbnet-really-simple-captcha-comments.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/really-simple-captcha/cbnet-really-simple-captcha-comments.php’); // capcha comment plugin

    // include custom widget
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/custom-widget/custom-blog-widget.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/custom-widget/custom-blog-widget.php’);
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/custom-widget/custom-port-widget.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/custom-widget/custom-port-widget.php’);
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/custom-widget/custom-port-widget-2.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/custom-widget/custom-port-widget-2.php’);
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/custom-widget/popular-post-widget.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/custom-widget/popular-post-widget.php’);
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/custom-widget/contact-widget.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/custom-widget/contact-widget.php’);
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/custom-widget/flickr-widget.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/custom-widget/flickr-widget.php’);
    $temp_root = get_root_directory(‘include/plugin/custom-widget/twitter-widget.php’);
    include_once($temp_root . ‘include/plugin/custom-widget/twitter-widget.php’);

    function customize_tribe_events_breakpoint()
    {return 600;}
    add_filter( ‘tribe_events_mobile_breakpoint’, ‘customize_tribe_events_breakpoint’ );



    Also please note that the week view displays a “page not found” error message.


    Update: I updated the pro plugin but it did not fix the issue.

    Geoff B.

    Good evening Alan,

    Thank you for the files and for the tests.

    Did you also try temporarily reverting back to a default WordPress theme as per my suggestion ?

    On my end, I was unable to reproduce the issue with your theme unfortunately.

    As per your week view issue. I would recommend re-saving your permalinks.

    Finally, if that still does not work, I would recommend trying different settings under Events Template dropdown in Events -> Settings -> Display.

    Let me know how that goes.

    Best regards,
    Geoff B.


    I experimented with your suggestions. The only view that seems to display correctly is the list view. There has to be a way to change the parameters for when to display the altered version (responsive) of the month view.

    I still need a solution for the month view.

    Geoff B.

    This reply is private.


    How may I provide you the wordpress login information? Should I put the info in one of these messages?

    I don’t think the theme is modified in any significant way. I recall changing something to make the twitter widget functional and the default image size for pages with sidebars. Does the events calendar month view look normal when you load the theme on a test site?????

    Geoff B.

    This reply is private.


    I need you to delete or make my reply private….didn’t realize it was public.


    This reply is private.

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