Missing translation in plugin "The Events Calendar" or "Comunity Events"

Home Forums Calendar Products Community Events Missing translation in plugin "The Events Calendar" or "Comunity Events"

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  • #1369057

    When creating an event from “Comunity Events” between the dates is the word “to”.

    I’ve seen it in the file: src / admin-views / events-meta-box.php on line 99.

    I added the following instruction to the file: the-events-calendar-en_US.Po and I have also compiled it to .MO

    #: src / admin-views / events-meta-box.php: 99
    msgid “to”
    msgid “a”

    I have uploaded both files to the leguages folder and it still does not work.

    I have also seen that in the file: datapicker.php in the “Comunity Events” plugin also comes the same statement. However I make the changes and it does not work either.

    I need to enter the word “a” between “Start Date” and “End Date”.

    Can you tell me what I can do? could they add the code to be able to do the translation?

    Thank you so much,


    Hi There,

    Thank you for reaching out to us!

    Did you try to change your time range separator from your dashboard? I believe that’s the easiest way to achieve what you want!

    Please head over to Events > Settings > Display and change the time range separator to ” a “.

    The change will be applied to both The Events Calendar and Community Events.

    If this is not what you are looking for, please send me an example/screenshot and I’ll be happy to assist!




    Hi there,

    I’ve just noticed that you were referring to the back end of your site, sry about that!

    Please give me a minute: I’ll take a look at the translation options.


    Hi Aeky,

    After a further investigation I was able to translate this specific string:

    Here’s a brief explanation:

    1- Copy the .mo and .po files you want to modify from community events directory (in my case, I’ve copied both tribe-events-community-pt_BR.po and tribe-events-community-pt_BR.mo):


    2- Paste the files in the following directory:


    3- Modify the .po file with the strings/words you want and use a converter to create a new .mo file ( I’ve used https://po2mo.net )

    4- Download the new .mo and replace the original from /wp-content/languages/plugins/ (In my case, I replaced the tribe-events-community-pt_BR.mo file )

    Now when I access my Community Events submission form I can see the translated string ( I’ve used a random/nonsense word to replace the “to” just to make sure that my own translation was in place 🙂 ).

    You will find more info about how to override plugin language files here:


    I hope this helps!




    Thank you very much, now it works …


    Hi There,

    I’m glad to hear that everything is working as expected now!

    Let me know if you need anything else and have a great day 🙂



    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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