Missing header and toggle info on months with no events

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    On months that have no listed events, the header info with the month and year drop down, as well as the event list/ calendar toggle disappears. This makes the calendar much more difficult to navigate. How can that be changed?

    Here is a link to the calendar:

    Next listed event is in feb. 2011.


    Hi Ruben, thanks for the note on this. This is bizarre as I’m unable to recreate this on my end; when I use my test site and check an eventless month, those fields still appear without issue. Does the same thing happen if you set your events to appear at /events, instead of /calendar? Also, have you modified the code at all using template overrides or something similar?


    Hello Rob. I haven’t changed the code. I think the issue is that I had installed Events Calendar Premium that I bought from Code Canyon a few days ago, and I upgraded to Events Calendar Pro. There’s probably some sort of conflict there. I can’t name it “events” because that is the page we use to manage the clients main events.

    If you like, I can send you a PM with user/pass for the account for you to troubleshoot.


    That would be awesome. Please send it to rob at tri.be and I can take a look over the next 24-hours. Thanks!


    Hey Rob I’m having near exactly the same problem as Ruben. When I click the link for the next or previous month (right now it has no events) the header area with the previous and drop down links no longer appear on screen. I looked at firebug and it seems like there is a conflict occurring some where in the CSS.

    If you want I can do up a quick screencast and post the link so you can see what I’m facing too. But I think this is a problematic bug which unfortunately has put a stop on us being able to roll out with this plugin. 🙁


    Oh by the way, forgot to mention this, but I did not purchase from code canyon. I’m dealing only with fresh code. So you can rule that one out.


    Thanks for the heads up. I’m still looking into this one for you guys and should have something over the next day or so.


    Thanks Rob. Did Shane send you my screencast I created to show you what’s happening?


    @Tony: Yup. Thinking this is a legit issue but I’ve got our dev taking a look now.

    @Ruben: I’ll follow up on your email momentarily.


    Hey Tony, is it possible that you have multiple versions of ECP or TEC activated? This is a likely cause of the problem you’re having and of course shouldn’t happen. Let me know if that is the possible issue here.

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