Missing Export link on Events calender Pro.

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Missing Export link on Events calender Pro.

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  • #63817

    Hi again,

    Thank You for the fast response. I do have the Events calender Pro and the link seems to be missing on the bottom on the calender. I tried different browsers and still do not see it. http://www.creativeagingmidsouth.org How do I go about to having it show again so I can import? Also, Can it import to save as a file?

    Thanks in advance.



    Hi Katrina – can you confirm which link you mean, exactly? Is it the iCal Import Month’s Events link that normally displays on month view, for example?


    Yes that is what is missing. It is basically not giving me the option to import even when I am in full calender or list view. I attached the link above so you can see also. How can this be fixed where I can import the calender to my computer?

    Thank You


    Hi Katrina,

    It looks to me like you are still using The Events Calendar 2.0.11, but have added Events Calendar PRO 3.0.5. These won’t play well together (or, at least, PRO will do nothing at all) and you should see a notice to that effect at the top of the plugin admin screen.

    Can you either upgrade The Events Calendar to version 3.0.3 or, if you really need to stick with the old version, obtain a copy of Events Calendar PRO 2.0.11 and use that instead of 3.0.5? It’s very important that compatible versions are used.

    Do also note (just in case you opt to stick with the older version of our plugins) that the extent of support we can offer for plugins other than the current releases is very limited.

    Thanks – and I hope that gets you on track 🙂


    Thank You. I have tried updating the events calender and when I do it tells me I have the updated version. If I delete the old plugin and upload the new one will I lose all my events that are already stored?


    You should not, but to be on the safe side it would be a best practice to make a complete backup (and ensure you know how to restore it) first of all 🙂


    Thank You for your time.


    No problem at all – if you hit any further problems once you’re running the latest and greatest (or indeed while trying to upgrade) do let us know and we’ll try our best to help 🙂

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