migrating events from current to "test" site

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    I am wondering what is the easiest way to transfer events from the current site to a test site in development? In July an error message locked me out of my work on the test site and I don’t have the events entered since then on it. This is what someone advised: you can export the events as a CSV file which you can import. Will this work? Figured you are the experts to advise me.

    Last night I added images to the photo gallery page and uploaded documents, and held my breath. No “error” messages! Today I will attempt to add “events” and am really nervous as that what started the downward spiral in July.

    If you can advise on transferring the events, that would be great. I still don’t have an answer on the “license” and am wondering what can be done to resolve it.



    Hello Krystyna,

    Hey and welcome back to the forums! I am really glad to hear you are setting up a test site. That’s something I wish every WordPress site had and I applaud you for making it happen. 🙂

    I happen to think that the WordPress export option is the best way to go. In other words, you can export all of your event data, including events, venues and organizers in the Settings > Export screen from the WordPress admin.

    Once you have everything exported, you can head over to your test site and use the WordPress Importer (Settings > Import) to upload the files you exported from the other site. When you do, start with Venues, then Organizers, then Events to ensure that all the data is imported in the correct order and that Events will be able to associate it’s data to Venues and Organizers.


    Does this help answer your question? Please let me know. 🙂



    Will I be able to give a “date” to the export function? I only need since
    July, and not since 2009! 🙂 I’ll look at it and respond with any other
    questions before I go ahead.
    Thank you,
    Still need to figure out the License part because there is something I
    can’t do – maybe update plugin?

    Krystyna Parafinczuk, ADC Treasurer
    Editor,* Arizona Dance e-Star*

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    I checked and there is no EXPORT function. Here’s a screen shot. Only shows
    Import tab at the end:

    [image: Inline image 1]
    [image: Inline image 2].

    Krystyna Parafinczuk, ADC Treasurer
    Editor,* Arizona Dance e-Star*

    *Send event news, announcements, master class information, job postings,
    etc.Deadline: 25th for the following month (ex: Jan 25 for February issue)*

    *520-975-2694 mobile*

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    ADC Facebook Group:
    ADC Twitter:
    @AZDanceCoMy “dance” Twitter: @kp_adc*

    *Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/azdancecoalitio/

    *”My” Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/khpblack/
    *ADC Creating Connections*


    Hi Krystyna,

    Thanks for following up!

    Sorry, but it doesn’t look like your screenshots came through.

    Just to clarify, the export functionality is not in the Event settings, but in the WordPress settings (Tools > Export). If you are not seeing the Export feature, then it sounds like there might be an issue with your installation of WordPress.

    Hopefully that’s not the case though — let me know if this helps clarify things at all!



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    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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