Meta keys for start and end times

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  • #952237

    Hello there,

    Where would I locate the meta keys for the start and end time of an event?

    I can’t find them here:

    Or, what would I use to display a time frame such as this: 10am – 12pm?

    I am using EVP and WooTickets in conjunction with Essential Grid.




    Howdy Spencer – great question!

    The times for an event are stored along with the dates, so the meta keys that hold that information are _EventStartDate and _EventEndDate. However, there are a couple of handy functions that will allow you to easily display the date/time in whichever format best suits your needs! Check out tribe_get_start_date() and tribe_get_end_date() – both use PHP date formatting.

    // 'ga' outputs the time in 12-hour time with am/pm after it
    echo tribe_get_start_date( $event_id, TRUE, 'ga' ) . ' - ' . tribe_get_end_date( $event_id, TRUE, 'ga' );

    Does that point you in the right direction?


    This reply is private.


    I have never used Essential Grid…it looks like an awesome plugin! Sorry I don’t have more insight into implementation with it.

    As for the code, you should be able to place that in a function in functions.php, perhaps like so:

    // obviously rename this function to something that suits you :)
    function my_sweet_event_dates( $event_id ) {
        // 'ga' outputs the time in 12-hour time with am/pm after it
        echo tribe_get_start_date( $event_id, TRUE, 'ga' ) . ' - ' . tribe_get_end_date( $event_id, TRUE, 'ga' );

    The tribe_get_start_date() and tribe_get_end_date() functions are awesome for shortening that date, plus you can output both the date and times.

    Hopefully that helps!


    It has been a while since our last communication, so I’m going to go ahead and close out this thread. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to start a new one! Thank you 🙂

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