Map Not Showing

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  • #781118
    Thomas Bliss

    After upgrading to The Events Calendar PRO the map does not show in the venues.



    Hi Thomas,

    Sorry to hear it didn’t go smoothly for you.

    This isn’t something I’m finding I can replicate locally on a clean test site and it looks like a few customizations have been applied to your single event page.

    YES, I’ve deactivated all other plugins to check for a plugin conflict.
    YES, I’ve reverted to the 2011 default WordPress theme (with other plugins still deactivated) to check for a theme conflict.

    Thanks for running through those steps: it’s much appreciated. Just for the avoidance of any doubt, can you confirm if after following those steps you were able to identify any conflicts or problems resulting from your customizations or indeed from your theme/other plugins that might be active (please see our post on looking for conflicts for a little more depth if needed)?


    Thomas Bliss

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    Thomas Bliss

    I deactivated every plugin on the site except the ones needed to run the plugins. I still have the problem. I reverted to 2011 and still had the problem.


    Hi Thomas,

    Im sorry Barry, but this is not acceptable for me to have to jump through hoops when things get broken after an upgrade of your plugin. Why exactly should I have to basically shut my site down to trouble shoot this.

    The last thing we want is to cause you frustration.

    So far as I could tell, though, you had already run through these steps (you had answered yes to the two related questions we ask when you open a thread) and I was just trying to clarify if this led you to detect a conflict or not – believe it or not, people do sometimes find that there is a conflict but don’t make this clear initially.

    These steps are fairly standard, though, and realistically they are one of the fastest and most effective paths to determining the root cause of problems like this one. They don’t always succeed, as may be the case here, but the fact is if we don’t ask people to do this then very often we are effectively left stumbling around in the dark.

    I certainly agree they may cause some amount of disruption if performed on a live site – we do appreciate that – but remember you do not have to perform them on that same site: most hosts these days make installing a new WordPress site pretty much a one-click installation, so creating a test site (in a sub-directory, for example) is generally speaking an easy process and gives you a place to test without disrupting your live site.

    I deactivated every plugin on the site except the ones needed to run the plugins. I still have the problem. I reverted to 2011 and still had the problem.

    Thank you in any case for giving it another try and confirming the result. I’ve taken a closer look, though, and I do still suspect a conflict.

    Can I ask you to temporarily disable just the Mailchimp plugin, then ensure you clear the cache (it looks like you have WP Super Cache installed) and view one of the affected pages again – please also be sure to flush out your browser’s cache – then let me know if there is still a problem.

    If at all possible and the problem persists despite Mailchimp being deactivated, it would be fantastic if you could leave things as they are without reactivating it so I can take another look at that point.

    Thanks for your help and cooperation with this.

    Thomas Bliss

    I have deactivated both Mail Chimp Plugins cleared cache and browser’s cache and the issue persists.


    That’s appreciated Thomas.

    Though we still don’t have a map – believe it or not – that cleared up the original issue. Can I now ask you to try adding the following to your theme’s functions.php file?

    add_filter( 'tribe_get_option', 'adjust_tribe_embedded_map_height', 10, 2 );
    function adjust_tribe_embedded_map_height( $value, $property ) {
    	if ( 'embedGoogleMapsHeight' !== $property ) return $value;
    	return '350px';

    Does that help with this problem?

    Thomas Bliss

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    Thomas Bliss

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    Thomas Bliss

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    Hi there Thomas,

    I’m sorry you’ve experienced further difficulties here.

    The code needs to go in your theme’s functions.php file – or at least that’s one spot where it can be placed and that is usually the easiest. It’s hard to give more precise instructions than that simply because every theme’s functions.php file is different.

    Generally though such a file starts with a line reading:


    If you insert a new line after that and then add the code into that space, that ought to do the trick.

    Can you give that a shot?

    Thomas Bliss

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    I had the same issue and the fix worked for me also. Thanks!

    Thomas Bliss

    I finally managed to get it to work, but Mail Chimp plugin is now interfering with the google maps.


    Awesome that worked for you jebs38, happy to hear it 🙂

    Thomas: yes, there is definitely a conflict with Mailchimp – in fact it’s a problem with their datepicker code which happens to have this side effect. We’re aware of it and are working as quickly as we can toward a fix for that one.

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