Lost in translation (cant find where to translate half a sentence on list view)

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  • #1186710
    Monica Filos

    Hi there, when I go to the List view and is the beginning of the events to list, I cannot find where to translate the word All for the sentence All Events (Events did get translated into Eventos) so I have this funny sentence half in english and half in spanish now (see image 01 attached). The problem is only at the beginning of the list view because if I click on next events (siguientes eventos) then the page will provide me with a previous events (eventos anteriores) because, of course, there is a previous page of events. (see image 02 attached). I have practically translated both po for spanish but perhaps I am missing something and you can help me locate this infamous ALL! hehehe


    Geoff B.

    Good afternoon Monique and welcome back!

    Thank you for reaching out to us.
    I would love to help you with this topic.

    The string you are looking for lives in the Events Calendar free language files.
    Look for All %s and you should be good to go.

    Let me know how that goes.

    Best regards,
    Geoff B.

    Monica Filos

    Hi Geoff, I again checked both PO, and ensured I had them all translated. And I did. Uploaded again and still no solution. Is there something I am missing? it seems that this particular one for the List view is embedded elsewhere because in the rest of the views the translation works fine. Help?

    All %s – Ver Calendario de %s – ID80
    View all %s – Ver Calendario de %s – ID317
    All %s – Ver Calendario de %s – ID493
    View All %s – Ver Calendario de %s – ID810

    All %s – Ver Calendario de %s – ID9


    Geoff B.

    Good evening Monique,

    Thank you for checking things out.

    The correct string has the ID 1389.
    I am not sure what my be going on, but here are 3 working theories:

    1. If you have language files in /wp-content/languages/ that relate to the Events Calendar, these will overrule any other language file. If nothing else, they need to be updated from the newest pot file (otherwise they will be missing elements)
    2. I just noticed that 3.1.2 has 4 obsolete strings for the Spanish translation files. Here’s a version I simply updated from the pot file (you might have to clear the Fuzzy translations). spanish

    Have a good week-end,

    Geoff B.


    Monica Filos

    Hi Geoff, I have a doubt… right now, except for this tiny problem with the translation of that word ALL, the rest of my translations work perfectly. Now, in the PO/MO uploaded I dont have that in line 1389 in spite of my downloading and editing the latest PO/MO within my plugin. So, I guess the question I want to ask you is if I upload the ones you sent to me, I will obviously lose my translations and will need to start on that all over again. Furthermore, when there is a new upgrade to the PO/MOs, again the translations will change lines? Why is it not possible to keep always the sequence and keep adding at the end while leaving what is unnecessary there if, in the end, coding wont ask for it anyway so it shouldnt affect anything, right?

    I just need to decide what is best in terms of effort here. For one word, have to translate it all again and then again in the future? or… could you please guide me on how to eliminate such option for good and make the first part of a list view only begin with a next events as a connector?

    Geoff B.

    Good evening Monique,

    You are right, using my files would result in losing your hard work.

    These are great questions.

    1. First and foremost, you should always keep backups of your hard work (like your translation file for example).
    2. Secondly, in your specific situation your best approach would be to simply update a duplicate copy of your language file using Poedit. Catalog > Update from pot file should do the trick. This should keep your changes while updating the available strings.
    3. Simply put, a non-updated .po/.mo file will always cause issues because, as you pointed out, the language file has to be rebuilt every time. Unfortunately, for now we can’t do much about that.
    4. You can protect yourself from your work being overwritten by storing your po/mo files in the /wp-content/languages/plugins folder. They will then override the files we put in the /lang/ folder. But, you would still need to run a manual update from pot files every time we have a plugin update

    If you want to completely bypass this, there is a workaround:

    • Creating a template override for the views you want to impact (You might want to read our Themer’s guide to get a sense of how that works).
    • Simply put, you have to copy the file of the view you want to tweak into a folder called /tribe-events/ in your theme.
    • Once that is done, you could either hardcode the string you no longer want to have to be bothered with or change it’s translation source from the Events calendar plugin to your theme. This way that string will be handled by your theme.

    As a side note, in full disclosure we have been working hard at improving the quality of our language files (in the way that they are delivered, updated and kept in sync with Glotpress).

    But, there are still a few bumps in the road at the time of writing.
    We do appreciate your patience as we get better at this.

    Best regards,

    Geoff B.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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