Load older stories in Event Calendar

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Load older stories in Event Calendar

  • This topic has 11 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Robert.
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    I am using http://website/events/feed/ in an app to get an rss feed. It works well but it only loads 20 events. How do I load more events? For example in the wordpress api you could do something like http://website/events/feed/page=2 but it doesn’t work for the events.

    Thank you


    Hi Robert

    Have you tried going to WP’s Settings → Reading screen and increasing the number of syndication feeds?

    Let me know if that works out.



    That works but it only allows for a set number. Is there a way to have infinite scrolling?


    Hey Robert

    There isn’t a way for infinite scrolling in RSS really. However, when I reviewed the http://choicemedia.tv/events/feed in an RSS reader, I was able to see the past 24 events.

    Can you tell me more about the app that you want to have fetch the RSS?  There might be other solutions.



    So in our app we have calendar events that are listed but it only shows 20. When you scroll to the bottom of that 20 nothing shows up anymore. We want items to continuously appear as you scroll down to the bottom. Right now we are accessing the events through an http request to the link you have above in your previous comment. How do we make our app continuously show events until there are none left?


    Hey Robert,

    I have checked in with our developers and specifically asked about other ways to retrieve the events data. Can you give us further details about your app? Our developers believe the RSS feed should suffice, but would need more debug info to understand why you are experiencing the limit of 20.


    In the app I am making an http get request to bring in the events and then converting them from xml to json so that I may process them like an api for the app. The returns only bring back 20, and I am not sure how to increase the amount. Also is the a way to filter in the url to get specific category events? For example, we want to make a dropdown in the app where you can select category specific events. One of our categories id “Education Technology” so in the url can you filter so that you get only events that have to do with tech in the RSS feed?
    or something like that.


    Hi Robert,

    I’m still researching the 20 limit. But I found a quick solution to the RSS by Event category:


    I’ll keep you posted with what I discover about the 20 limit.



    As of right now, there is nothing within the special categories rss feed. When I look in the feed I don’t see anything. Is there anything special we need in the backend in order to make them show up?


    Howdy Robert,

    I’d be happy to help you in Courtney’s stead.

    The feed shows upcoming events in a category. So long as your category has upcoming events, they will appear in the feed. Here is an example:


    > Have you tried going to WP’s Settings → Reading screen and increasing the number of syndication feeds?

    That works but it only allows for a set number. Is there a way to have infinite scrolling?

    This is not possible without you writing a customization for WordPress itself, and tying that in to your app. RSS feeds are not really intended to have pages. You could add them, but I can not find any prebuilt solutions for you. Infinite scrolling requires some form of pagination, thus you will first need to add paging support to WordPress feeds before this would work.

    Another possibility is extending the WordPress REST API. You could add some custom endpoints to it that serves the data you need. Our plugin does not yet include any that would be helpful to you, so these endpoint pure custom creations of your own making.

    If these are all too complicated then I would go with Courtney’s suggestion of setting the # of posts in the feed to a really high number. That’s the best that can be done without writing a custom solution.

    Does that all make sense? Do you have any other questions? Please let me know.


    – Brook

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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