Little translation issue

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    I have just installed the “re-labeler extension” and I’m quite full happy with this

    There just a little problem

    In english you say “next event” or “next events”

    so when translated in French it becomes “suivant évènement” or “suivants évènements” (next = suivant)
    which is wrong :
    it should be “évènement suivant ” or “évènements suivants”

    How can we fix it ?

    Best ragards



    Hi Pascal,

    Thanks so much for reaching out!

    In order to change this string, I’d recommend altering the snippet provided in the following article:

    You can also try using a third-party plugin, like Say What?, to alter this string as well.

    Let me know how it goes and if you have any other questions on this topic!




    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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