List view only shows one event per month?

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  • #197049
    Shayna Latham

    Previous to update 3.6 my list showed multiple events per month, now my list only shows one per month?
    I have set to show 100 events and to show 10 events per day.

    Casey D

    Hello mhsieh,

    This is bizarre to say the least, sorry you are experiencing this!

    I’m not really sure what could be the issue here. My initial thought is that it might be a template override gone astray, because your month view seems to be working just fine

    Do you have a template override? If you’re unsure, do you have a ‘tribe-events’ folder in your current theme’s folder?

    Can you please confirm that after executing these combined steps in order, on a test or development instance, that the problem still exists?

    1. Deactivate ALL plugins
    2. Change theme to TwentytwelveTwentythirteen or Twentyfourtee<span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>n</span>
    3. Activate The Events Calendar and The Events Calendar Pro

    Lastly, in the WP-Admin, at the bottom of the Events > Settings > Help tab, there will be a ‘systems settings’ box. Can you copy that and paste it into a private reply?

    Does this make sense? Let me know if this doesn’t work for you.


    – Casey Driscoll

    Shayna Latham

    It does not seem that private marked messages get posted.
    I posted twice to this.
    I do have overrides but overrides work on another site.
    The overrides just control on list view the sidebar and for individual events the sidebar and meta placement.
    All that is working fine.
    I checked error log and see no errors related to listing of events.
    I do see some errors about the site not being multisite enabled and relating to events plugin.

    Shayna Latham

    Also the map and picture view only show 3 events. Where the month shows all.

    Shayna Latham

    I renamed mytheme/tribe-events to /tribe-events-bak and still have the same issue.
    Only 3 events, one for each month, skipping July completely.
    I have events for more months but it stops listing.

    Casey D

    Hello mhsieh,

    Thanks for your cooperation and sorry for our technical difficulties! I haven’t heard other complaints of private replies not working, but it our site has been noticeably slow. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

    If you renamed the template override folder, and the problem is persisting, I think we can rule that out as an issue.

    Could you try deactivating the widgets temporarily to see if that fixes it? I notice the List widget suffers from the same problem. I wonder if that is messing with the query somehow. I highly doubt it but it is worth a shot.

    Is this on a multisite? I’m not sure if that would matter, but it might make a difference.

    Is the the staging site for the production site? Is it otherwise identical (expecting the domain)?

    In an email to [email protected], can you please send us two things. (With this thread url as the subject)

    • In the WP-Admin, at the bottom of the Events > Settings > Help tab, there will be a ‘systems settings’ box.
    • It would be also helpful to see your overrides, can you zip them up and attach them.

    Does this make sense? Let me know if this doesn’t work for you.


    – Casey Driscoll

    Shayna Latham

    Replied via email

    Casey D

    Hello mhsieh,

    Hey it’s fixed! At least from what I can tell. Did you try something different? Maybe it was a caching issue?

    2014-06-04 at 3.05 PM


    Let me know if I’m interpreting this incorrectly.

    – Casey Driscoll

    Shayna Latham

    I rolled back to 3.5.1.
    Initially after the rollback my events still did not show correctly.
    I deactivated both, still not correct.
    Then I toggled the number of events to show and the recurring switch and the events all came back.
    I am not sure if 3.6.1 with the same possible toggle of post number and recurring will work. I had to get it back to stable listing.

    Resolved? No not yet, but I may wait for a couple updates before switching again.

    Casey D

    Hello mhsieh,

    Thanks for the update! Sorry for any frustrations stemming from this. This is a tricky issue to troubleshoot, and none on the team has seen it so far.

    It sounds like the toggle mechanism may work in 3.6.1. At least, I’m not sure why it would be different than any 3.5.x.

    If you find the time to update and try it keep us posted. We’ll do our best to support in this situation.


    – Casey Driscoll

    Casey D

    Hello mhsieh,

    We typically close threads if there is no activity after two weeks. Feel free to create a new thread and reference this one to save you time.


    – Casey Driscoll

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