limit contents of event in 'list view'

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    Hi guys,
    I would like is possible to hide the address from appearing in the event list view. The reason is that the event details column ends up too large as you can see on this link:

    I should mention that one of the reasons I think this problem exists is that I can’t get my full page template to be set for the events calendar or list. I’m working with the “genesis framework” and I want to show my events calendar and list in a full page template. The events calendar settings unfortunately don’t offer me the option of pulling in my full page template for some reason (with genesis there are 6 layout options to choose), I am limited to choosing my default, an blog page and an archive page. So, in essence, the plugin is forcing me to choose the “default” template which has a right column. If I were to set my default template as the “full width” option then my entire site would have to be columnless. I already contacted the genesis team and they suggested I contact you as their fixes were not working.


    Hi Robert,

    To hide the address, you can override the list.php template by making a copy of /plugins/the-events-calendar/views/list.php and placing it in an ‘events’ folder within your theme and then just removing the HTML and PHP responsible for displaying the address…

    As for the full width page have you tried switching your Events Template in The Events Calendar settings? You might try changing it to Default Page Template and/or you may have to create a page specifically that use for Events and then making that page full width in the Genesis settings.

    Let me know if any of that helps.


    Hi Jonah.
    Thanks for the reply but still having difficulty.
    1) I removed the offending code for the full address but the page failed to load properly after that.
    2) The option in the event calendar “settings” allow me to choose default, blog and archive style pages only. When I go to edit the “event page” I am able to choose the full width option BUT this doesnt seem to have an affect ad the default (with sidebar) is automatically selected.


    Hey Robert,

    1. What is the code you removed from list.php – please paste in Pastebin ( so I can get an idea of what you’re doing.

    2. Here’s what you do to get the calendar in a full width page in Genesis, I’ve tested it and it works. Create a page where you add the [calendar] shortcode to display it. Set that page to be a full width layout in the Genesis layout settings for the page. Then go to Settings > The Events Calendar and change the Events Template to “Default Events Template”. That should do it.


    Hi Jonah, this is the code I’m removing.

    Thanks for the advice about how to work with Genesis. If I add using the shortcode, how will the permalinks for the imputed events be affected? Will they still use the event/event name ending as the page will be not be “events” anymore. Thanks


    Hey Robert,

    You’re probably having problems because you’re removing the endif – try taking that out and also only remove the instead of the tag…

    The permalinks for the events should be fine.


    Jonah, the shortcode [calendar] doesn’t seem to work. I didnt think there were shortcodes with this plugin?


    Hi Rob!
    Thanks for joining in and trying to help a useless fool like myself. I saw the template tags and I’m sure its what I need however,I’m not exactly sure how to use them to force just one page on the site to display the calendar. Any direction would be very much appreciated.


    Sure thing. We’re putting together a broader tutorial on how to do this, but in the interim I can get Jonah to try and offer up a quick walkthrough on what to do specifically.


    Hi Robert, sorry for the confusion. I was incorrect in thinking you could use a shortcode (there is no shortcode). The solution to the full width problem in Genesis is somewhat complex because Genesis is kind of a complex theme.

    1. Set your Events Template to “Default Page Template” if it’s not already.
    2. Set the layout dynamically for the grid view (add to functions.php file in Genesis child theme):
    3. Optionally setup body classes to be able to target specific HTML elements (again paste in functions.php in Genesis child theme):
    4. Hide sidebar (if it’s still displaying underneath the calendar:

    .events.grid #sidebar {
    display: none;

    That should about do it. The second step should definitely give you a full page layout and steps 3 & 4 are to cover some extra bases in case you need to still hide the sidebar below the full width calendar.

    I hope that helps 🙂


    Guys, thank you so much!


    You’re welcome Robert!


    Hey Guys,
    I didn’t want to come back to this topic but theres a small problem with the fix. A new template called “events template” is created which I choose after applying the code. The trouble is, the calendar doesn’t actually appear inn the the main content area of the page, it displays in the background. Do I need somehow to be pulling in the content area’s for the calendar to be displayed in?


    Hey Robert, not sure what you mean, do you have an example I can look at?


    Hi Jonah,

    Thanks again for following this up.

    If you flick through some other pages on the site you’ll see what I mean about the calendar being out of the content area (bad explanation, sorry)

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