Last date of recurring event

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    In the case of an event that runs September 5 to November 16, I need to get the November 16 date, the LAST date of the recurrence to use in a template. I tried the code snippet referenced here
    but that gave me September 5, the date of the current event, not the last day in the series.


    Hello dkinney,

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    I took a look at that snippet and it looks like it can only be used to find the start date. To find the end date you’ll need to use the “_EventRecurrence” meta and access the “end” date there. Here is an example of the previous snippet modified to get the last event date for a recurring event.

    $recurrence = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_EventRecurrence', false );
    foreach( $recurrence as $events ) {
    $last_event = $events[end];
    $final_date = date( get_option('date_format'), strtotime($last_event) );
    echo "The last event takes place on $final_date.";

    Let me know if this works for you.



    Thank you


    Hello Diane,

    No problem! Happy to be able to help.

    If you have a few moments, we would definitely appreciate a review for our plugin on the WordPress repository.

    I’m going to go ahead and close this ticket. If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to open a new one.


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