Issues after update – Event List showing page title and current time?

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Issues after update – Event List showing page title and current time?

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  • #618206

    Please help with this if you can…
    I’m displaying a list of events on the home page of this particular site. All was working and I’ve started an update and am unable to figure it out.
    To see what the site was before, take a look at I’m using the Members Only plugin there since this is not a production environment so Username is guest, and Password is guest. This will give you Subscriber access only.
    To see the problem, go to the live site at
    I’m using the current and up-to-date Avada theme with WooCommerce. When upgrading to the new version of Events Calendar Pro it did not work out.
    To display the Event List on the home page, I’m using a plugin called Widgets on Pages. The plugin creates the widget area and I just drop in the Events List widget, then use a shortcode to insert the widget area on the home page. As I mentioned, this worked before.
    I am on pro, and have created a folder in my theme tribe-events/widgets/ with the file list-widget.php in there since I had tweaked what was being displayed. (For some reason I also had calendar-widget.php in that folder too.)
    The events are not showing up. Instead, the name of the page is displayed (on the current live site) and the WordPress time is shown.
    I’ve tried inserting the widget into another sidebar (not using the Widgets on Pages plugin) and the same thing was shown.
    I could have kept working on this in development, but it was taking me too long and since it’s an eCommerce site I just migrated with this issue still a problem.
    What do you think?


    I’m sorry you’re hitting difficulties. If it happens in regular sidebars and not just when using the Widgets in Pages plugin then the next step is to remove your custom template (or temporarily rename it so the default template is used instead) – and see if that resolves the issue.

    If it does, we’ll know that something in your customization work is triggering this. Of course, if that is not the answer we can go on to the next step 🙂


    I’m trying to do more testing, and I’ve had to create another environment to do the testing. Still working on it.

    In the meantime, I mentioned HOW I was originally putting the text widget onto the home page. (Avada theme has a “Fusion Core” plugin that creates shortcodes, plus using Widgets on Pages).

    Is there a suggested practice when you want to place the Events List on a page? How would you suggest this to be done?

    Yes, I will continue to test with a default theme and turning off plugins, but I’m hoping you’ll have a “best practice” when it comes to the ultimate goal here and maybe it will save me a lot of trouble.



    Generally speaking simply placing it in a sidebar (and you could of course register additional sidebars if the existing locations are unsuitable) or else programmatically inserting it via a call to the_widget() works.

    Additionally this (unofficial) plugin provides a shortcode letting you add widgets within posts. That said, we do know that it doesn’t always work – particularly with some “page builder” type themes.

    Does that help?


    Hi! It’s been a while so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread. If we can help with anything else, though, please don’t hesitate to create new threads as needed. Thanks!

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