Is there a way to automatically set tickets to "Completed" vs. "Processing"?

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Is there a way to automatically set tickets to "Completed" vs. "Processing"?

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    The extra step of having to manually move all ticket sales from Processing to Completed seems to be mindless busy work. While I can see the value for products that require shipping, in the case of Wootickets this is a moot issue, as the customer is automatically receiving their ticket to the event. How can I skip this extra busy work?


    I would agree 🙂

    Some members of the community have found that changing the product type (via the WooCommerce product editor) from shipped to virtual and downloadable mitigates this problem – though I believe it depends to some extent on the type of payment gateway in use – so that could be a possible workaround in the interim.

    (Sidenote – in the next release of WooTickets all ticket products will be virtual by default.)

    It’s probably possible to customize things so WooCommerce moves the order status directly to complete however – but it may be better to touch base with their support peeps for advice on how to do that.

    Steven Kaufman

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    Hi Nabha,

    The key is to remember that tickets are simple WooCommerce products – so by and large anything you might do with other WooCommerce products you can potentially do with a ticket.

    It would be beyond the scope of support that we can offer to guide you through setting that up, however.


    Nabha – following from a slightly-related topic, you could also give the following workaround a whirl: take a look at this code (it’s a snippet you could drop in to your theme’s functions.php file) and used as-is it makes tickets visible in the WooCommerce storefront and changes their type to virtual/downloadable automatically.

    That isn’t quite what you want, but you can see at the bottom of the snippet where those properties are defined. In your case you might not want that (and could remove/comment out the relevant lines) but you could try setting the tax_status and tax_class properties instead:

    new Adapt_WooTicket_Type(array(
    'tax_status' => 'non-taxable',
    'tax_class' => 'untaxed',

    Note that you may need to play around with those values (tax_class in particular) – I’m simply making an educated guess and you may need to check in with the boffins over at WooThemes to figure out what the actual values should be in your case … this is just a possible starting point you can try.

    Steven Kaufman

    Barry, that sounds very promising. Thank you so much for your help. I’ll give it a whirl.


    No problem, I hope it helps ( even if it just forms the basis of a completely new approach) 🙂


    Excellent, thanks for the tip Paul 🙂


    tried that code from skyverge. Didn’t work for me at all, even stripping out most of it and simply *always* changing status to completed (since I’m only selling tickets). Only thing that works is checking “virtual” AND “downloadable” — which has the annoying effect of including a mention of downloadable files in the order email 😛


    Yep the idea of changing the status to virtual and downloadable is just to force sales to be marked as completed earlier than they would otherwise, in the case of most payment gateways. It’s not ideal and is nothing more than a quick workaround.

    In the next version of WooTickets all ticket products will be virtual by default as we feel that is the best model for what is actually being purchased – the issue of making the order immediately complete however is something that really needs to be solved at WooCommerce/payment gateway level.


    So after getting really annoyed with all the additional language that woocommerce tacks on when a product is also “downloadable”, I revisited the code, and realized I was probably adding the filter too late. I’m using a child theme, and I needed to add the filter within the “after_setup_theme” hook in order for it to take effect. It works brilliantly, even with the clunky old paypal standard payments…



    Regarding the additional language tacked on by WooCommerce you may be able to dispose of that by customizing/overriding the relevant template.

    Mike: does the approach outlined by Paul (in the link) work for you?


    well, with the skyverge solution, I don’t need to make the tickets “downloadable” – just “virtual” , so i’m avoiding the language. But yes, you could hunt down all the various places that download language gets added to order confirmation pages, emails, etc, but I found that route not so simple…


    Definitely, well in that case it sounds like you are all set 🙂

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