Is it Possible to Add a Second Calendar to Site?

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    Is it possible to have a second calendar (using Calendar Pro) on the site that would have different events on it than on the main calendar, and would sit on a password protected page, so that only certain people with the password could view it? If so, how would I do that?


    Hi threecedars,

    There isn’t really a way to do this, unless you use different categories to separate your events (like a category Main for the main calendar and a category Other for the other things). If you’re interested in that route you might read over this FAQ. Other than that there isn’t a real way to do this, although you might be able to figure something out if you’re up for some heavy customizing. That would be out of our scope of support to help with, however.

    We don’t have a built in feature for password protecting a calendar, but I believe some users have done it with customization and/or a third party plugin. You might try searching the forums to see if someone else found a solution. Otherwise I suggest looking into some other plugins that might help with the password protecting part, and testing them with the free plugin, The Events Calendar, to see if they cooperate.

    Does that answer your questions? I’m sorry I don’t have more optimistic news here.



    The category method could work. However, I can’t figure out how to remove the standard Pages sidebar that shows all the pages in my site on the calendar page’s sidebar. On my other pages, I am using the plug-in Simple Sidebars, to pull in various different menus, but it doesn’t work on the calendar page. Is there a tutorial on how to put a custom menu on the the calendar sidebar? I know how to make the menu and drag it into a widget, but how to make it actually show up on the calendar is the problem.


    Hi threecedars,

    I’m not familiar with Simple Sidebars, but I’ll try to help out. What Page Template are you using? You can change that under Events –> Settings on the Display tab. You might try playing with those setting to see if you can get the Simple Sidebar to appear- that is, assuming the Simple Sidebar is a widget. Maybe you can tell me a little bit about how it works?

    Also, you might try contacting the developer for Simple Sidebar. Often the plugin dev can shed some light on why it may or may not cooperate with The Events Calendar. Hopefully between the three of us we can find a solution for you 🙂



    I am currently using the Default Events Template, which shows no sidebar. If I change to either the Default Page Template or the Archives Template, then I get a sidebar with all the pages in my site listed. Normally to put in a different sidebar using Simple Sidebars, you would go to the standard page edit screen and in the sidebar area, there’s a place to make a new sidebar and then a link to the widgets to then put in the content into that sidebar you just created. Then it shows up on the page. However, even though it seems to work to create the sidebar, it doesn’t show up on the calendar page (works fine for all my other pages). It sounds like I should contact the Simple Sidebar developer and see what they can tell me, unless you can think of anything else. Thanks!


    I think you’re right- it just sounds like the two plugins aren’t talking to each other properly. Hopefully the Simple Sidebar dev can shed some light on the issue 🙂



    Here’s what the Simple Page Sidebars people told me. I haven’t tried it yet. . .

    “Actually, I don’t think the Simple Page Sidebars plugin is going to be useful in this scenario and just using native WordPress functions is the way to go if you’re comfortable modifying code.
    The approach you would really need to take is something like this:
    1. Register a new sidebar specifically for your calendar page in functions.php in your theme using register_sidebar()
    2. Duplicate your default page template (usually page.php) and call it something like page_events.php. At the top, you’ll need to register it as a custom page template by adding a special header.
    3. Replace the sidebar in that template with a call to your new custom sidebar using dynamic_sidebar().
    4. Then in The Events Calendar settings, you can select your new page template and it’ll use the custom sidebar, which you can drag widgets to on the widgets screen.
    Hope that helps. Otherwise, there are other sidebar plugins that may have more functionality and be better suited for your needs in this case.”


    Hi threecedars,

    That sounds like a good plan. Give that a try and let us know how it goes 🙂



    Any thoughts here, threecedars? Can this one be closed out?


    Yes, you can close it out. Thanks!



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