Internal Server Error redux

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  • #1368611
    Bill Even

    While I was able to solve the internal server error caused by the updating of the Events Calendar plugin for one of my sites (yesterday) by having my hosting company (InMotion) update the PHP version, I’m still having an issue with those hosted on my GoDaddy hosting.

    Upgrading the PHP isn’t quick or easy on some of my hosting accounts. I upgraded The Events Calendar plugin on another site and it went down too. I had to kill the Events Calendar plugin to get the site up and running again.

    Do you have any plans on updating the plugin again so it doesn’t require an upgrade to PHP? This is going to be a problem for a LOT of my sites. I realize that I need to upgrade the hosting, but this will take weeks. Right now my only option appears to be not updating the Events Calendar plugin.



    Hi Bill!

    Thanks for getting in touch. Let me help you with this topic.

    Our plugins haven’t updated the minimum PHP version required to function properly recently. It currently is PHP 5.2.4, but we recommend 5.4 and above. Those are minimum requirements, but like Geoff stated in your previous thread, PHP 7 is recommended because it shows great improvements in terms of performance.

    The internal server errors you get could be related to different issues. I’d recommend you enable WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG. This will create a debug.log file inside the /wp-content directory.

    After that, try reproducing the issue a few times, so that in case there is an error, it will be saved into the debug.log file. If you share that log file with us, we can help you determine the source of the problem from there.

    We also always suggest to setup a dev/staging site so you can test things out and make all plugins, theme and WordPress core updates without disrupting the live site.

    Let us know how that goes and if you have other questions.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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