Integration with Woo Extention "Product Add-ons"

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  • #99759

    Dear Sirs,
    My client requires your WooTickets plugin to request additional information prior to checkout as your plugin is being used for stunt training courses.

    Additional information includes questions such as: Parent or Guardian address and DOB. These details are required due to the type of courses my client wishes to sell.

    The client also sells products through Woo Commerce so required a per product solution.
    I have spoken with WooCommerce, who recommended their extension “Product Add-ons” however this does not work with your Woo Tickets out of the box.

    Is there anyway I can force Woo Tickets to use the default Woo Commerce template and enable these additional fields to be visible? i have tried simply replacing the products template with woo commerce’s template but the additional fields do not show. Please can you help?

    The extention in question is:

    Kind regards,


    Hello Leanne, great question.

    I see no reason why you couldn’t customize things to achieve what you want – however you and the WooThemes team are quite correct that WooCommerce Tickets doesn’t “natively” support this sort of workflow (at least it wasn’t an intentional design goal). So, at this time, it’s really something you would have to drive forward yourself as a customization.

    With that said, we’d certainly welcome any feature requests you might post along these lines.



    That doesnt really answer my question. I’ve repeatedly looked into the code and still need your assistance.

    Is there anyway I can force WooTickets to use the default WooCommerce product template? As WooCommerce integrates with this just fine.


    OK, so what I’m saying is this is possible but not something we can help with – it’s not something WooCommerce Tickets has been designed to do. We’d certainly welcome any feature requests you might post along these lines, but beyond that this is a sufficiently advanced customization that you’d really need to drive it forward by yourself or with the help of a suitable developer (and if you want to email us at pro (at) tri (dot) be we can certainly provide you with a list of folks we recommend).

    Does that clarify things?


    I am a developer and I am taking this job on for a client. I have already looked into your plugins code and I am asking if you could kindly point me in the right direction to force Woo Tickets to use the default Woo commerce product page templates.


    Hi Leanne,

    No: I’m afraid this is beyond what we can help you with. As a developer, we’d really need to leave it to you to determine the best solution or – in turn – work with another developer who might be able to provide you with some amount of additional assistance.

    Generally we are happy to point people in the right direction, but there are certain types of customization request – and I feel this is one – where we have to draw the line. We have many users to support and so guiding individuals through more in depth customizations can essentially hinder us from helping others. It’s a tricky balance, but I hope you appreciate we make the best judgement call we can.

    If you haven’t already done so I would recommend reviewing the following resources which may help to give you a better picture of how everything pieces together.

    Thanks again for getting in touch and I’m sorry we couldn’t offer more assistance this time round. If you do wish a list of freelance developers who we feel could help, please do email us as in my last reply – and I’ll go ahead and close this thread.

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