increase number of events on map

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  • #537175
    Tony Ash

    I’d like to show all the events on the map in the default map view.
    After the user has input something into the search or filter bar, the events listed would be filtered to 10 or 20.

    How can I increase the number of events shown?



    That sounds like an interesting customization – but it is one we’d really need to leave in your hands, though I’d be happy to point you in the right direction if I can.

    I’d like to show all the events on the map in the default map view.

    I’m guessing you initially want all events to show as markers on the map but not actually be listed below. All of the markers are listed in a special array which you can intercept and override using the tribe_events_ajax_response filter hook – an incomplete outline then might look something like this:

    add_filter( 'tribe_events_ajax_response', 'change_geo_markers' );
    function change_geo_markers( array $response_data ) {
    	$markers = get_markers_for_all_events();
    	$response_data['markers'] = $markers;
    	return $response_data;
    function get_markers_for_all_events() {
    	// You'd be returning an array of arrays here with each
    	// inner array consisting of the following keys:
    	// lat, lng, title, address, link, venue_id, event_id
    	return array();

    It’s a comparatively advanced customization so some solid WP coding know-how would be required – but it’s definitely not impossible and we’d love to hear back from you if you create a nice solution you want to share with the community πŸ™‚

    Good luck!

    Tony Ash

    Thanks, I’ll give it a shot and let you know if I get it to work out in a “shareable” manner.




    If you want to show all markers on the map AND have the marker show all the events at that venue when clicked, perform these 3 steps:

    STEP 1. Do as Barry said:

    add_filter( ‘tribe_events_ajax_response’, ‘change_geo_markers’ );

    function change_geo_markers( array $response_data ) {
    $markers = get_markers_for_all_events();
    $response_data[‘markers’] = $markers;
    return $response_data;

    function get_markers_for_all_events() {

    $geoLoc = new TribeEventsGeoLoc();

    $defaults = array( ‘post_type’ => TribeEvents::POSTTYPE,
    ‘posts_per_page’ => ‘1000’,//set this to a high number that will always exceed the number of events
    ‘post_status’ => array( ‘publish’ ),
    ‘eventDisplay’ => ‘map’

    $view_state = ‘map’;

    $query = TribeEventsQuery::getEvents( $defaults, true );
    $have_events = ( 0 < $query->found_posts );

    if ( $have_events && $geoLoc->is_geoloc_query() ) {
    $lat = isset( $_POST[‘tribe-bar-geoloc-lat’] ) ? $_POST[‘tribe-bar-geoloc-lat’] : 0;
    $lng = isset( $_POST[‘tribe-bar-geoloc-lng’] ) ? $_POST[‘tribe-bar-geoloc-lng’] : 0;

    $geoLoc->assign_distance_to_posts( $query->posts, $lat, $lng );

    $events = $query->posts;
    $markers = array();

    foreach ( $events as $event ) {

    $venue_id = tribe_get_venue_id( $event->ID );

    if( !isset($markers[$venue_id]) ) {

    $lat = get_post_meta( $venue_id, TribeEventsGeoLoc::LAT, true );
    $lng = get_post_meta( $venue_id, TribeEventsGeoLoc::LNG, true );
    $address = tribe_get_address( $event->ID ) .’, ‘. tribe_get_city( $event->ID );
    $title = tribe_get_venue($event->ID);

    // replace commas with decimals in case they were saved with the european number format
    $lat = str_replace( ‘,’, ‘.’, $lat );
    $lng = str_replace( ‘,’, ‘.’, $lng );

    $markers[$venue_id] = array(
    ‘lat’ => $lat,
    ‘lng’ => $lng,
    ‘title’ => $title,
    ‘address’ => $address,
    ‘eventarray’ => array( array($event->post_title, get_permalink( $event->ID ))/*event name and link*/ ),
    ‘venue_id’ => $venue_id,
    ‘event_id’ => $event->ID

    } else {
    $markers[$venue_id][‘eventarray’][] = array($event->post_title, get_permalink( $event->ID ));


    return $markers;

    STEP 2. Change the method “map_add_marker” in “tribe-events-ajax-maps.min.js”. This file will be overwritten when the Calendar Pro plugin gets updated! I’m just starting with WordPress so I don’t know how to make this solution future-proof. Maybe Barry can help with that?
    This, combined with STEP 3, will get you a marker that shows all events when clicked like this:
    So the method becomes:
    map_add_marker: function (lat, lng, title, address, eventarray) {
    var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);

    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: myLatlng,
    title: title

    var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();

    var content_title = “”;
    var content = “”;

    $.each(eventarray, function (i, e) {

    content_title = $(‘<div/>’).append($(“<a/>”).attr(‘href’, e[1]).text(e[0])).html();

    content = content + “Event: ” + content_title + “<br>”;

    if (address) {
    content = content + “<br/>” + “Address: ” + address;


    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, ‘click’, function (event) {, marker);



    STEP 3. In the same file “tribe-events-ajax-maps.min.js” as step 2, change the method “tribe_map_processOption()”. Again, this file will be overwritten when the Calendar Pro plugin gets updated!
    The altered method:
    * @function tribe_map_processOption
    * @desc tribe_map_processOption is the main ajax event query for map view.

    function tribe_map_processOption() {

    if (!ts.popping) {
    ts.pushstate = false;
    if (!ts.initial_load) {
    ts.do_string = true;


    $(‘#tribe-events-content .tribe-events-loop’).tribe_spin();

    $.post(GeoLoc.ajaxurl, ts.params, function (response) {


    tf.enable_inputs(‘#tribe_events_filters_form’, ‘input, select’);

    if (response.success) {

    ts.ajax_running = false;

    td.ajax_response = {
    ‘total_count’: parseInt(response.total_count),
    ‘view’: response.view,
    ‘max_pages’: response.max_pages,
    ‘tribe_paged’: response.tribe_paged,
    ‘timestamp’: new Date().getTime()

    ts.initial_load = false;

    var $the_content = ”;
    $the_content = $.parseHTML(response.html);
    $the_content = response.html;


    if (response.view === ‘map’) {
    if (response.max_pages == response.tribe_paged || 0 == response.max_pages) {
    } else {


    //If no events are returned, then hide Header
    if (response.total_count == 0) {

    var markerslength = 0;

    $.each(response.markers, function (i, e) {
    tf.map_add_marker(, e.lng, e.title, e.address, e.eventarray);

    if (tt.pushstate) {

    ts.page_title = $(‘#tribe-events-header’).data(‘title’);
    document.title = ts.page_title;

    if (ts.do_string) {
    “tribe_paged”: ts.paged,
    “tribe_params”: ts.params
    }, ts.page_title, td.cur_url + ‘?’ + ts.params);

    if (ts.pushstate) {
    “tribe_paged”: ts.paged,
    “tribe_params”: ts.params
    }, ts.page_title, td.cur_url);



    if (markerslength > 0) {



    Oops, this solution seems to break the search function.
    To fix it, you have to make the method “assign_distance_to_posts( &$posts, $lat_from, $lng_from )” public in file “tribe-geoloc.class.php” like so:
    OLD: private function assign_distance_to_posts( &$posts, $lat_from, $lng_from )
    NEW: public function assign_distance_to_posts( &$posts, $lat_from, $lng_from )

    Please note that this file will be overwritten as well when the plug-in receives an update.


    Oi. Any chance this can just get added in as an option? Like, it’d be rad if I could toggle “show all events in map” as a setting. πŸ™‚


    We’ll certainly consider it, but the best place for feature requests is our UserVoice page πŸ™‚

    This file will be overwritten when the Calendar Pro plugin gets updated! I’m just starting with WordPress so I don’t know how to make this solution future-proof. Maybe Barry can help with that?

    I can certainly point you in the right direction, possibly, which would be looking at options to facilitate this from your own script that loads after ours or, if that’s not possible, dequeue ours and enqueue your own custom version: there’s still a slight maintenance headache inherent in that approach but it’s slightly cleaner than hacking core code.

    At this point I will go ahead and close the thread – but thank you all for the comments and ideas (particularly halostribe for all that coding legwork πŸ™‚ ).

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