Imported Events assigned wrong images

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    I posted this initially in the Event Calendar Pro forum, but I think it’s related specifically to the Import Facebook Events extension. After seeing the wrong feature images assigned to certain events, I went into the media library and found the importer was naming *all* images from seven different events with the same file name — even though several of the images were different. You can see a screenshot here:

    Even though the two .jpg images have the same thumbnail, they are actually different images when you click on them to see full size.



    I posted in your other topic, but you are correct it looks like it is a Facebook Importer issue so thanks for posting here.

    Ok so it looks like the thumbnails are the same, but the actual file itself is different, correct?

    In a private reply can you provide the events or page with the events you are importing from so I can see about replicating this issue.

    I am also going to close the other topic and work on the issue through this thread only.

    Let me know and I will go from there to resolve this.




    So I tested this out.

    I used your Facebook Page for the Winery and found the bug only to occur when importing events from that page. I tried on others and could no reproduce the error.

    It looks like when you import from your page it uses the page id in the filename and not the event id, which is causing all the files to have the same name.

    Not sure what the issue is, but I have created a bug ticket for the developers to go in and take a look at the issue and see about adding another check to prevent this from happening to you and maybe others out there.

    Let me know if you have any follow up questions.



    Hi Brian,

    Thanks for following up on this. The reason I didn’t reply is that you guys changed your domain and couldn’t reply at the time, then I got busy.

    Is there sometime I can do on my end to check why this is happening?

    — Lee


    This reply is private.


    No worries, it was a bit crazy here anyway with the site change.

    I do not believe it is your Facebook App as mine did the same. Also you should be using just the pagename that is correct, do not think it is that either.

    I am not sure why it is just that Facebook page so far causing the filenames to be the same. Not sure if it is a setting on Facebook’s side or in the plugin that is causing the filesnames to come in the same. I have a bug ticket in for the developers to look at it. The good thing is we can reproduce the problem so that should help us figure it out.

    Right now I do not have anything for you to test out, but we will let you know when we have something.




    I have the same problem.
    I imported evets from this site:
    The events looks great, but they all have the same picure (from the last event).

    Se my calendar here:

    Please let me know if you figure this out.


    Hi itpark,

    Sorry for the troubles you are having. We are still working on finding the issue, but with the Holidays that is being delayed a bit. As soon as we have something we will update this topic.



    I have the same problem. Please, help us as soon as possible, because this give a lot of work to solve and mantain de website up to data.


    Hey Guys,

    Sorry for the delay on getting to this.

    Looks like there is a bug where the Page ID is used instead of the Event ID causing the problem.

    I do not have a schedule for the maintenance release, but do have a solution.

    It does involve changing one line of coding and that is the only way to resolve it until the release.

    Bug Fix
    In this file:


    On line 756 change this:

    $fb_event_id = $this->fb_object->id;

    to this:

    $fb_event_id = $facebook_event->id;

    Changing that should fix the issue and I have tested on my own site and it is working for me.

    Let me know if that helps.



    In my case didn’t work.

    I had this message: “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘&’ in /home/portobyn/public_html/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar-facebook-importer/the-events-calendar-facebook-importer.php on line 756”

    And the site was down.

    Can you tell me what is the problem?



    Sorry for the trouble webpower,

    It is saying there is an & in there that should not be. Not sure how that got included it was not in the coding I provided.

    This is how it should look:



    I have tried again, and it seems the problem was solved! 🙂


    Great glad it is working now.


    This solved the problem for me as well. Thanks!

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