I'm not understanding the point of Categories?

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    I think I’m missing something. Why do I have categories to break down the events into, but nowhere for my users to click on a specific event category listing and see all events in that category? Is that a link that I have to create and add myself? I’m a bit lost. o_O

    Andy Fragen

    In the Category Colors plugin Settings you can automatically create a category legend. When a specific category in the legend is clicked only those events of that category will be selected. Use the Legend Superpowers for a cooler effect.


    Ah, yes, I tried to add that code earlier and didn’t see anything. I think I may have used it before I was aware that I actually had to have an event attached to the category. Thanks again Andy!


    Why do I have categories to break down the events into, but nowhere for my users to click on a specific event category listing and see all events in that category? Is that a link that I have to create and add myself?

    The categories for a particular event are shown by default on each single event post – visitors can then click and visit the corresponding archive page as they would with regular WordPress posts.

    You can also build a custom menu of event categories from the Appearance > Menus admin screen – just be sure to select Event Categories from the screen options dropdown on that same screen.

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