I'd like to email all attendees

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus I'd like to email all attendees

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    I’d like to send an email to all of the attendees that have checked in. Is there a way to do this within the UI or, do you have any sample code to enumerate through all tickets for a particular event? I store the ticket holders email in the ticket additional fields. From that I’d be able to email them.



    Hey Michael,

    Thanks for reaching out. The features you are trying to implement are technically possible, but not with any out-of-the-box functionality provided by our plugins. And so they would unfortunately require code customizations to implement 🙁

    To implement the features you describe, you would have to write that custom code yourself or hire a professional developer to do it for you. We have a list of great developers here → http://m.tri.be/18k1 (and have no affiliation with any of these folks—they’re simply some well-respected names in the community that we’ve compiled to share in situations like this one).

    Sorry to disappoint! Please let me know if there are any other issues or questions I can try to help with.

    — George


    Do you have any pointers to the loop filter I’d need to create in php to get the tickets for a page? Something that you might already have in your code?



    Hey Daniel,

    I unfortunately do not have any such insights at this time, nor can we provide any assistance with extra features and customizations as elaborated upon here.

    I am genuinely sorry about that, because this would be a fun thing to build! 😀 And I could probably do it if I had a spare few hours.

    In any case, what might be helpful is to just go digging within the Event Tickets plugin code itself. There are a number of class methods there like get_attendees_array with which you could ostensibly use to get all of the attendees of a given event and then could loop through that and extract email addresses.

    With that array of email addresses, then, you could wp_mail() a bunch of them at a time. You’ll definitely want to build some sort of “batch processing” into this functionality, though, so it doesn’t overload your server!

    I am sorry that there’s not much we can help with here, but do hope the information I’ve provided is helpful. While I will not be able to provide further assistance in realizing the customizations described here, if there are any other issues or questions I can try to help with, please let me know!



    That’s a great start and, what I need – I can fish the emails out of the array and send them over to our emailer. Thanks.


    Nice! Glad to help, Daniel.

    Be sure to keep good backups of all custom code you write.

    Best of luck with your project! 😀

    — George

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