ICS File Imports Not Working

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  • #1617514
    Jonathan Williams

    I just downloaded the aggregator add-on and have modified my site to allow ICS uploads. Still, though, I’m not able to import those files to The Events Calendar.

    After selecting the ICS file, the program doesn’t allow me to preview the listing, and thus, I can’t finalize it. The problem doesn’t seem to be limited to any one event or ICS file.

    Can you provide some clarity for me? This add-on has a lot of promise for my business, but only if it works reliably.



    Hi there,

    Thanks for reaching out. I’d be happy to help with your issue.

    The message that is showing in your screenshots is usually something you see when there are no events within the date range you have specified. I see that you have it set to import events for one month in the future. Are there events in the file you are trying to import that happen within the next month?

    If so, can you share the file you are trying to import with me here so I can try to replicate this on my end?


    Jonathan Williams

    Hey Sky,

    I think I fixed this by changing the time horizon and removing that as a limitation. We’re trying to get events from more than a month out, so fixing this side of things seems to have fixed our issue.

    Another quick question: I seem to have problems importing from other sites that I know for a fact are using the Events Calendar plugin. Are there limitations on my end that could be keeping this from working?




    Hi Trevor,

    It should just work if the site in question is using a relatively new version of the plugin.

    Can you share the URL of one that isn’t working for you?


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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