iCal only pushing 1 month at a time

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  • #717567
    Darci Anderson

    Great afternoon Tribe folk, I trust you’re having a great week. We have a slight issue, that I think can easily be fixed. We have a few different feeds that we are pushing as iCal feeds to a new Mobile App we are launching in the next few weeks. However, we can only see one month at a time. Not the whole iCal feed that shows several months worth of events on our website. These are the feeds. Do I need to change them somehow to allow, say a year’s worth of events?:

    from: http://www.heritageqc.com/events/category/rock_island?ical=1&tribe_display=month
    to: http://www.heritageqc.com/events/category/rock_island?ical=1

    Thank you for your time and effort.


    Howdy Adrian!

    The iCal exporter exports the current view’s events. If you are on month view it will export that month’s events. If you are the upcoming list view, it will export all of the currently visible upcoming events, which by default is the next 10 events.

    The easiest solution here would be to change your “Number of events to show per page” in WP Admin > Events > Settings > General. But, that has far reaching implications in that every page in your site which shows upcoming events will display that number of events, not just iCal. If you want a more fine tuned solution then you would want to tab into the iCal WP Query and set the posts_per_page to a different value. You could do that using the filter tribe_events_pre_get_posts.

    Does that make sense? It is my pleasure to help you! I just checked in with the crew this morning and we seem to all be doing well. Thanks for asking!

    – Brook


    Good morning.
    I would appreciate some detail for the solution to the problem described above and in other posts. How would one go about “using the filter tribe_events_pre_get_posts” to produce an iCal subscription that would include *ALL* events – not just those for the current view?


    I think the easiest way would be to hook into that filter. Check to see if tribe_is_list_view() is true and the ical query parameter is 1. I would personally also check for another custom query parameter, possibly “ical_export_all=true” that way this only happens when you visit your custom URL. Then adjust the post_per_page parameter of the query to include all of your events.

    That would give you all upcoming events from the selected date. All you have to do to retrieve a copy of the ics file in the future would be to visit the list view and click download. Though depending on your decision above you might need to add “&ical_export_all=true” to the download URL.

    Thanks for posting! I am actually going to close this topic out since Adrian’s issue is evidently resolved. I don’t want to spam his inbox. But, should you need anything else jdonovan please feel free to open a new topic. We are happy to offer guidance. Cheers!

    – Brook

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