iCal Import – How do we get it to add event to an existing calendar in Outlook

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  • #20174
    Andy Fragen

    @Dave, I’ll take a look at all the ics files when I get back to my desktop. Is #1 my hack, the makedesignnotwar hack or both? In addition to #3 above, can we get a #4 (just my hack) and #5 (just the makedesignnotwar hack). I ask because, my hack should be producing the exact same function. Alternately I might be able to figure this out faster if you could create an admin user to the bizzytest.com site. You can send it to andy [at] thefragens [dot] com

    Andy Fragen

    To disable my hack all you have to do is comment out the first line in the code added to functions.php, the one starting with `add_filter…`

    Dave Meyer

    #1 is your hack only.

    The clients site is no longer in development and moved into production on Friday. I can’t give you admin access to the site or the server. 🙁

    The client knows that if they update the plugin, we will need to re-make the changes.

    Andy Fragen

    Actually, #1 is from Outlook. It has the following header.
    PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 10.0 MIMEDIR//EN


    Thanks for the clarifications on this, Andy – it looks like you’ve done what you can!

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