iCal Export and Export Months Events not working

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    I had a support tag last month concerning this event exporting issue issue. It was suggested by the support team that the issue was with my mobile theme AppPresser. To recap, I am running my site using the Color MagPro theme and I am also using a mobile framework theme called AppPresser. The Google export as well as the iCal and the Export Months Events works fine on the site, but only the Google export works in the mobile theme. I addressed this issue with the AppPresser support team, so they downloaded my PhoneGap files and tested in debug mode. what they found was that clicking on the Ical export and the Export Months Events was throwing the following error:

    “Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type text/calendar”

    Damien from AppPresser responded:

    When it comes to this, you have mentioned that the plugin developers have said it is a theme issue, however, I would disagree. If I go to (the ColorMag Pro desktop version) http://www.whoknewytown.com/event/coolspring-corn-maze/2015-10-02 and click on iCal Export, I am presented with the option to download the .ics file. Similarly, when I go to http://www.whoknewytown.com/event/coolspring-corn-maze/2015-10-02/?appp=1, which loads the AppTheme, I also get the option to download it, which to me says that it is working with the AppTheme.

    When I debug the Android version of the app in Chrome, I get the error of “Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type text/calendar: “http://www.whoknewytown.com/event/coolspring-corn-maze/2015-10-02/?ical=1&tribe_display=”.”

    Where you able to send this to the plugin makers to see if they know what might be happening?


    Can you please look into this matter further? I really need this functionality to work on both my desktop site as well as my mobile app.

    Thank you (-:



    Howdy inkmouse2,

    Thank you for detailing the problem, and reporting back. I don’t like having to jump between two support teams, so I appreciate your patience here.

    This is possibly related to the fact that those Export links are generated by JS. This is a weakness in our calendar, and one we have a ticket out to improve. It does currently work with compatible themes, but we could broaden compatibility by removing the reliance on JS here.

    We could probably test this out easy enough. Try adding the following HTML to the content body of one of your events pages:

    <a class="tribe-events-button" href="http://www.whoknewytown.com/event/coolspring-corn-maze/2015-10-02/?appp=1&amp;ical=1&amp;tribe_display=" title="Download .ics file">+ iCal Export Test</a>`

    Now visit that page and click this new test button in Android. Does it download?


    – Brook


    Hi Brook,

    I added the html to the event here: http://www.whoknewytown.com/event/coolspring-corn-maze/2015-10-02/?appp=1

    but the link seems to be invalid. I copy and pasted a couple of times to make sure I didn’t leave anything out or mess up the link in the copy and paste, but there seems to be an error somewhere. I appreciate you helping me with this issue (-:

    Thank you!


    Howdy Stacey,

    You are not wrong. Somehow portions of that were encoded when I pasted it. The WP Text editor some times does this. Hopefully the second time is a charm! Try this:

    Edit: Nope it did it again. Try this pastebin link instead: http://pastebin.com/TYC5Rrd1

    – Brook


    Hi Brook

    I added the link, and it didn’t work. I am testing on my iphone if that is relevant. I also had my sister try it on her Android and it didn’t work on hers either. I left the button on the page for you if you should need to take a look at it.

    Thank you (-:


    Thanks for leaving that up, Stacey.  I just tried downloading it from my Android and it worked great. I got the iCal file, actually both from the original and the test links. I did however get a bunch of strange JS popups on the site when I visited that page on Android with Google Chrome (the default browser). They looked like the contained diagnostic information. But ignoring those I got a valid iCal file and was able to import it into my calendar.

    It is extremely strange that I can not reproduce, since I am using the same browser and OS as the gentleman from AppPresser. It’s possible you fixed this. Upon further research errors like that are often because of a misconfigured server that is trying to send everything as text/html, which doesn’t work for files that aren’t HTML such as iCal files. However, a conflicting plugin or theme could also misconfigure the server for you, and disabling it will fix.

    Did you do something in the meantime that would have fixed it? Is it working for you as well now?


    – Brook


    Hi Brook,

    My ical issue isn’t with the browsers on the devices. They work fine for me as well. I’m sorry I wasn’t being clear. It is with my actual store apps from Google Play and the App Store. The AppPresser mobile theme compiles into an app which I then submitted to Google and Apple. which streams the WordPress site through it. It is strange that the Google calendar works but the iCal and months events doesn’t. The app can be downloaded for you to look at at http://www.whoknewytown.com or in my last thread.


    Thanks for clarifying, Stacey. I was unfamiliar with with AppPresser.

    It is clearly not a JS issue if that test link doesn’t work as well. What I am suspicious of is that something in the AppPresser version is causing the server to generate an error message. If there is an HTML error message output before the calendar content, then the server would be outputting it before the calendar download file. Thus you would get the error: Resource interpreted as [HTML] Document but transferred with MIME type text/calendar. On your server is display_errors and display_startup_errors turned on? What happens if you turn them off? This is a php.ini setting. If you are unfamiliar with checking and changing these, you will need to consult your website host as it is different for each host.

    That’s the only thing left I can think to try. Please let me know the result.


    – Brook


    Hi Brook,

    I turned off display_errors and display_startup_errors and it didn’t work )-:



    What a puzzling issue. Thanks for giving that a whirl. To answer your original quoted question:

    Where you able to send this to the plugin makers to see if they know what might be happening?

    We really do not. Given our unfamiliarity with App Presser there is only so much help we can be here. I started off by trying to identify what was unique about that link (that it relies on JS) and give you a way to diagnose if that was the issue. That was not. I then did some research on the error and investigated your site, and the only other thing I could find was the display_errors possibility.

    Unfortunately I do not see how we can be of further help when the error only happens in the app and not in the browser. Our plugin is as of now designed to be viewed only in browsers. Anything outside of that is not really supported, and more importantly something we lack experience/training helping with. There are far too many things I do not understand about App Presser to offer anymore diagnostic help here. 🙁

    I am sorry Stacey, I wish I had better news.

    • Brook
    Support Droid

    This topic has not been active for quite some time and will now be closed.

    If you still need assistance please simply open a new topic (linking to this one if necessary)
    and one of the team will be only too happy to help.

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