I can't see the Settings area in the Event Calendar Plugin.

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  • #1111611
    Maxime Johnson


    I have a problem with Event calendar : The settings area is not loading and i can’t seem to see anything. (Files enclosed)

    I bought the following items for a start : Filter bar 4.1 , Events Calendar Pro 4.1.2, Eventbrite Tickets 4.1.2.

    I installed the plugin through many ways :

    – From the plugin area on wordpress
    – Manually
    – via FTP

    Nothing worked, i still had the same problem.

    Is there a way to fix this problem ? Couldn’t seem to find anything on the forum area.

    Thank you very much


    Sorry to see this, @Maxime!

    I cannot recreate this issue, and we also don’t have any other reports of this issue, so it seems like there is an idiosyncratic issue specific to your site.

    1. You say your domain name is “http://Private%20Server”—what is this domain name?

    2. How are you hosting your website? Is it a local site? If it is hosted on a server by someone, who is hosting it? Can you share a link to the web host you are using?

    3. Do any errors pop up on your site if you head to your site’s wp-config.php file and change this line of code:

    define('WP_DEBUG', false);

    to this:

    define('WP_DEBUG', true);

    That will display PHP errors if any exist, which might be quite useful here.

    Thank you!

    Maxime Johnson

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    Maxime Johnson

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    Hey @Maxime,

    Thanks for reaching out. I understand your issue is urgent, and though our response times are “one reply every 24 hours during the workweek,” it is Saturday here so I am trying to assist on a more urgent timeline—thank you for your patience with this.

    In regards to your issue, I unfortunately have to bear some bad news because of what you reveal here:

    I don’t have any problem with the Event Calendar plugin with the default template Twenty Fifteen

    ☝️ This fact reveals that your other custom theme is the source of the problem; we do not make this theme, so unfortunately do not know its code. I would recommend contacting the theme creators for assistance on why their theme breaks some plugin features—I hope they can assist and that you arrive at a speedy conclusion to these issues.

    One thing I can try to do is test the theme on my own local site and see if I can recreate your issue, which might help me come up with a temporary solution while you continue to work with the makers of the theme. To do this, can you upload a .zip of the theme to this thread, or to a file-sharing site like http://ge.tt then share the download link to that file there?

    ⚠️ This is outside the scope of our support, and I cannot guarantee a positive or useful outcome here. But I will at least try and will take a look.

    Thank you,

    Maxime Johnson

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    Hi Maxime,

    I unfortunately could not download from that ge.tt link—no matter what I tried, no download would happen. So sorry for the trouble here! I’ve never had problems with ge.tt—in the meantime, can you try another option like either uploading directly to this thread; uploading to cloudup.com; or uploading to a publicly-downloadable location on Dropbox or something?

    Sorry for the trouble!

    Maxime Johnson

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    Maxime Johnson

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    Thanks for your patience here @Maxine.

    I added the theme to my site and found the same problem where the settings for Events did not show up.

    The reason? Well, I found the culprit to be a bit of bad admin-facing CSS that hides literally any element with the class name “.form”. This is very, very bad practice and I implore you to reach out to the theme author to change this and add more specification to their CSS. The fact worth sharing with them is that their admin styles have this rule in them:

    .form {
    display: none;

    In the meantime, I have a temporary fix for you. Try adding the code from the following Gist to the theme’s functions.php file ? https://git.io/vwjzx

    Further issues may persist, like with actually saving the settings and whatnot. I’m not sure about these problems and if they arise then you will unfortunately have to turn to the creator of the theme for further assistance. But I hope this temporary fix from our end helps a bit!

    Cheers, and thank you for your patience.

    Maxime Johnson

    Hello George !

    This is wonderful ! I added the code you sent on the functions.php and everything worked ! This is great news !

    Thank you very much for all the trouble and for being available.

    I’m contacting the template support to get the CSS issue fixed.

    Good day to you sir.

    Many Thanks. Bests.


    Awesome! Glad to hear it, @Maxime.

    Please note one further wrinkle to all of this, which is that since the code from this thread is added in your theme’s functions.php file directly, every time you update the theme, the code will be lost. You will have to add the code back in.

    So bookmark this thread for reference!

    If they fix the CSS issue, though, then eventually an update might come that truly fixes this in the first place. 🙂 Until then, add this code back to functions.php any time the issue reappears on your site.

    Best of luck with your site,

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