HTML before Calendar question

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  • #23821

    Hi Again,

    I think I’m doing something wrong as I’m not getting the results I expected, perhaps you could point me in the right direction.

    Above my calendar I want there to be an event filter so users can click on small pictures relating to a specific event and see only events from that on the calendar below.

    I have created this filter exactly how I wanted with a html file (linked with a css file). I uploaded the files to my server, then copy pasted the HTML from my file to the “Add HTML before calendar” section and updated the various file locations.

    However the result is nowhere even close to what I designed it to be.

    Any Ideas?


    (If it helps the site is


    Hi Michael, I’d be happy to help if possible.

    I took a look at your events calendar ( to try and get a better feel for this issue – however I’m unsure what I’m looking for. I did notice that the normal controls that let visitors navigate between months have been hidden; is that connected to the issue with adding HTML before the calendar? Or have you temporarily removed this?



    Hi Barry, thanks for the interest.

    I’ll expand a little since I’ve made some changes since I posted.

    As of writing this message, I have removed the HTML from above the calendar (since it looked horrible and I will be giving it another go tomorrow to see if I can get it to work)
    I also removed all the “dummy” events I had up and will be putting some newer ones on tomorrow once I wake up. Thus why everything looks a little empty at the minute.

    I have also hidden the month navigation and calendar/list view, purely because of my design idea, not because it is connected with the adding of HTML before the calendar.

    I could upload/send the html/css code and my design template if it would help you understand what I’m on about as I realize I’m not always the best at explaining things.



    Hi Michael – no problem – if you could send anything to help me get a better grasp of this issue then that would be great. Our email address is [email protected] – if you put “FAO Barry” in the email subject field that would be great 🙂

    Look forward to hearing from you!


    Hi again Michael. Just checking in with you – did you email anything across? I just wanted to check in case I had missed it in the stream of email.


    Hi Michael! Thank you for sending those details and my apologies for the delay.

    The first thing I noticed was that in the HTML you added before the calendar you have included a doctype declaration and head element – this is unnecessary (it should already be generated by your theme) and so I would recommend removing everything except the #menu div – otherwise it is likely to cause problems for any number of web browsers.

    So I’d suggest fixing that as an initial priority, then we can look at whatever problems remain 🙂


    Hey Michael – do you need any further help on this one?

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