How to see my attendees in the back office for an event in WooCommerce?

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO How to see my attendees in the back office for an event in WooCommerce?

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    I try to make recurrent events without writing each title of events individually… I can’t.

    I want to see my class (yoga + SUP) by dates, region, hour and then to get access easily to the attendees of each class…
    Maybe I need WooTickets ???


    I’m sorry you’re experiencing difficulties.

    I try to make recurrent events without writing each title of events individually… I can’t.

    Just to confirm, what sort of recurrence pattern are you trying to create? Are you following the steps described in our New User Primer for the creation of recurring events?

    I want to see my class (yoga + SUP) by dates, region, hour and then to get access easily to the attendees of each class…
    Maybe I need WooTickets ???

    If you are selling tickets and want to review a list of attendees then yes, something like WooCommerce Tickets would be a good option (it looks like you may already have purchased a license for this plugin).

    Please note though that WooCommerce Tickets does not currently support recurring events.


    Hi! It’s been a while so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread. If we can help with anything else, though, please don’t hesitate to create new threads as needed. Thanks!

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