How to only allow purchases 48 hours in advance?

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus How to only allow purchases 48 hours in advance?

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    I have set up the WooCommerce Tickets to work with the Events Calendar Pro, and I’d like to only allow customers to purchase tickets 48 hours in advance of the time a class starts. I also have recurring classes, but they don’t have to sign up for the entire set of classes to sign up for 1 class. Could you please let me know if there is a way to do this?

    Thank you,



    Hello Clare–thanks for getting in touch!

    Good question. You can set the Start and End Date/Time for when tickets go on sale directly in the event editing screen when creating the ticket. Here’s a screenshot of how that works.

    Set the start date for two days before the event date and you should be good to go. 🙂

    Does this help answer your question? Please let me know.




    Thank you for the tip. However, I would like to have people be able to order a ticket for each of the individual events/classes two days prior to the event/class. I have all of the classes listed as recurring events/classes, because they have all of the same information (time of day, location, teacher). I’d like to be able to add some code in to my functions.php file that tells each recurring event to sell one ticket per day of the event, and also for that ticket to be able to only be sold 48 hours prior to the event.

    Is there a way to do this?

    Thank you,



    Hey Clare, thanks for following up!

    Unfortunately, there is currently no way to sell tickets for recurring events separately. It’s something we’re definitely planning to work on, but currently have no set timeframe for when it will be released. In the meantime, events have to be broken out of the recurring series in order to have a separate ticket inventory.

    Does that help clarify things a bit?



    Hello Clare! This thread’s been quiet for a couple of weeks, so I’m going to go ahead and close it. Please feel free to hit us up with a new thread if any other questions pop up and we’d be happy to help. 🙂


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