How to move calendar to a page

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  • #1322520

    Here is my current calendar link.

    Is there any way to move this calendar into my events page located here? I tried using the shortcode, but it doesn’t look anywhere near as good as the default events page.


    Hey Daniel,

    Thanks for contacting us! As I can see from here your calendar is set as List View by default. To have this same layout in your homepage you can use the [tribe_events view=”list”] shortcode. You will find further information about our calendar shortcodes and the available options in the following link:

    If you want to know more about the available options to add a calendar to your homepage, please check the following article:

    Let me know if you need anything else in the mean time and I’ll be happy to assist!





    But now when I click on an events from the shortcode, for more details, there is no space at the top so it overlaps my navbar. Check it out here.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Daniel.

    Hi Daniel,

    This problem is happening due to a conflict with your theme’s styles. To solve this problem you can add a padding or a margin in the top of the tribe-events-back class like I did here. You can add the following code in your style.css file:

    .tribe-events-back {
    margin: 60px !important;

    I hope this helps! Let us know if you need anything else and have a great day!




    Ok, new issue. Kinda similar. When I click on an event, then click back to all events, I want it to take me to my custom events page, not the default event calendar slug I setup in the settings to be at oldevents.

    Try it out at

    Click on an event, then click the back to all events button. You’ll see what is wrong.


    Hi Daniel,

    To change the “All Events” (tribe-events-back) URL, you have to override the single-event.php file.

    Please copy this file from wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/single-event.php and paste it in your theme’s directory: [your-theme]/tribe-events/single-event.php

    After that, open the file from your theme’s directory and on line 28, replace this link with this one.

    I hope this helps! Let me know if you need anything else and I’ll be happy to assist!



    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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