How to find the ical url

Home Forums Calendar Products Event Aggregator How to find the ical url

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    I was excited to see your post about the new add on/product. But I wanted to share a suggestion first. Help us find the ical url. I can find it for single items, but I have never been able to locate that ‘magic’ url that I could add to ical importer so that events would be pulled into my calendar automatically. I’ve included (in bitly) three urls that I have tried. Also I’ve watched the video, but two things to note: 1) the video does not explain where the url came from, and 2) I could never see the complete url in the video.
    Three events locations for which I have tried to derive the ical url:

    As a suggestion, what would be helpful is a way to import ical links such as the csv importer. I could create a file with the ical links and the Events Calendar could search each one for the data.

    P.S. How have I searched to find the answer for my question: yahoo search how to find ical urls (which includes the two references in the The Events Calendar forums.

    Thanks again.



    Hi Marian.

    iCal is a very specific, standardized data format. We cannot scrape web pages looking for iCal feeds. However, here are some tips for your question:

    • sometimes links start with “webcal://” instead of “http://”
    • sometimes iCal URLs end in “.ics”
    • sometimes iCal URLs have “ical” in the URL
    • sometimes iCal URLs look like regular URLs and you’d never know they linked to iCal data unless you visited them and tested that they look like an iCal text file

    I hope this helps in some way.

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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