How to edit the Add an event login form.

Home Forums Calendar Products Community Events How to edit the Add an event login form.

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  • #943716
    Dan Miller

    I am trying to add a custom message and some styling to the attached form.

    See form here

    Something along the lines of this for the themes functions.php file, but for the events form that is generated. Please advise.

    function custom_login_message() {
    $message = '<p class="message">Welcome, if you haven\'t already read our <a href="#">terms of service</a> please do so before you register.</p><br />';
    return $message;
    add_filter('login_message', 'custom_login_message');


    Thanks for using Community Events.

    We do not have the filter setup for our login form on the Community Event Page. So that coding will not work.

    You could use this action:


    And add a message that way.

    Does that work?

    Dan Miller

    Where would I find where just the login form is generated so I can include this code? I’ve only been able to locate the file that generates the whole event submission form {edit-event.php}.


    The login form is not generated in the view files so if you edit it your are editing core files and have to make those changes every time.

    You can put it on this template at the top: edit-event.php

    Then you could wrap it with a check for the person being logged in to show the message only for people that see the login form.

    Dan Miller

    I can only get it to output the message when logged in with this suggestion. I still always get the default verbiage “Please log in.” on the attached (above) screenshot. I have kind of given up and this and say well enough alone.

    I have ran into a new problem, my main login for wordpress expects a mathematical value for CAPTCHA, but I can not get it to show on your login form, so it rejects the log in and returns you to the main log in, which is okay but pretty bad for UX. How can I get it to add the CAPTCHA value to the login form community generates?

    Dan Miller

    Sorry to be a little more clear, here is where the community events login page fails and goes to because the CAPTCHA is missing.

    Trying to login at

    Directs me to here:


    Ok I understand what you are trying to do and sorry for the late reply.

    Unfortunately, the login form we use does not have a filters or hooks to modify.

    You could instead where you add the message do your own check for logged in before our form and then place your form there with the CAPTCHA.


    Since there is has not been any activity on this thread for over 2 weeks so I am now closing it. Feel free to start a new thread if you have further issues. Thanks! 🙂

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