How to create sleek List View with picture?

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO How to create sleek List View with picture?

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    Hi, I love the Event Calendar as it will give my clients a great overview of what’s going on, and what has been going on. I have put it on the separate event page. However, for my homepage I definitely need to integrate a list of events. I have located the widget for this, but the events show up quite ugly. What I would like to have rows of about 1.5-2 inches high (about the size of the box I’m writing in now), with on the left a rectangular event picture, and on the right some key event data such as name, date, time, location, price/free, and a ‘more info’ button. Does this come with Events Calendar Pro? Is this easy to achieve, or are we talking about serious tailor-made tweaking here? It should look a bit like this template that I have used before, but which is not entirely what I was looking for (your product is much more powerful!).


    Hi @xrossglobalgroup,

    Sounds like an interesting customization!

    I wouldn’t say it is something that requires “serious tailor-made tweaking” exactly but what that might mean does of course vary from person to person and according to how familiar they are with WordPress development in general.

    In essence though there is no reason that you couldn’t drop whichever widget is closest to what you want on to the front page and work away at styling it with custom CSS. Please check out the following resources to help get you started on this one, as though I don’t imagine it to be a hugely difficult change it is nonetheless sufficiently specific of a change to be beyond the scope of support that we can offer here:

    Does that help at all?


    Hey Barry, Thanks for your response. It is good to hear that it does not require too much work (i can’t do it myself for sure). However, I really think that a nice sleek look for the list would be a great if not essential addition to the Events Calendar. It just makes it much more clear what kind of events are being organized, incl. date, time, location, price, tickets left, RSVPs etc. Maybe something to think about? In the mean time I will try to solve the problem anyhow 🙂


    We’re always open to feature requests and would encourage you to post one 🙂

    I’m glad you’re going to give the solution and go and since there’s not too much more we can do here at this time I’ll go ahead and close the thread.

    Thanks again for contacting us.

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