How to change additional fields title of "other" to something else

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    Ryan Stanley

    Can you direct me to the file where this information can be modified? I’d like my additional fields to have a different heading/title rather than “other”. Thanks!


    That’s a really good question, soulofyoga, and I’m sorry it’s outside of my technical area of expertise to address. I’ve got another member of the team who is more dev-minded than myself on deck to take a look and get back to you here. Thanks for your patience so far.

    Andy Fragen

    It’s on line 97 of /events-calendar-pro/lib/meta-pro.php

    I don’t know if there’s a way to change this without altering this core file, but if you do change this file, your changes will be overwritten with the next plugin update.


    Hi all,

    This is indeed possible without editing core files.

    Though not the most elegant way of doing things, adding this snippet to your theme’s functions.php file or some other suitable place should get you headed in the right direction.

    If memory serves there are some changes in the works to make it easier to use API functions such as tribe_set_meta_label() for this purpose – however some further work is in progress on that front and we’re not quite there yet.

    Thanks for your patience and let me know if you need further help on this one @soulofyoga 🙂

    Andy Fragen

    Barry that’s great! Didn’t realize there was a filter I could use there. Definitely the way to go.


    Yes, there are a few filters in there and you can pretty much always fall back on some string manipulation, but hopefully we’ll expand the API a little and make it easier to do using functions like tribe_set_meta_label() (though that’s something for the future).


    Hey…that did not work for me nor did this snippet:

    add_action( 'tribe_pre_get_view', 'change_custom_field_meta_label' );
    function change_custom_field_meta_label() {
    	tribe_set_meta_label( 'tribe_event_group_custom_meta', 'NEW LABEL!', 'meta_group' );

    Any other thoughts? I added both of those (separately) into my theme’s function.php file and no go.

    Any other thoughts? Also, I can’t find this (events-calendar-pro/lib/meta-pro.php) in they plugin files on my server…?

    I also want to relocate the ‘additional fields’ on the events page, but I suppose that’s another topic…


    Howdy Hunnicut,

    Those solutions apply to a much older version of our plugin. It is now easier than ever to change that title, by means of a simple theme override. Specifically /pro/modules/meta/additional-fields.php . In side you will find the title as an HTML element, and you can change it. Here is a tutorial on how to do a theme override.

    If you need further help please feel free to open a new topic. We would love to further assist. I am actually going to rearchive this one as per our forum rules of one customer’s issue per thread. Cheers!

    – Brook

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