How do you suggest we add locations, as categories, tags, or sort later?

Home Forums Welcome! Pre-Sales Questions How do you suggest we add locations, as categories, tags, or sort later?

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    I am creating a multi city travel guide. I’d like to have a standard events page that shows all events. There are region and city pages with a tab for events nearby. I’d like to add regional events by shortcode and have an event search just for each city/region.
    How do you set up the taxonomy, do you add cities as a category or do you suggest loading events and sort later somehow?


    Hi Lea

    I’d suggest using categories within a shortcode. At this time, tags aren’t a filter option within our full page shortcode options. can show you how to get this set up.

    Also, if you aren’t customizing the pages, you could add the category link to your menu. See our demo site as an example

    If you want additional filter options, check out Filter Bar.

    Let me know how this works out for you or if you have further questions.

    Courtney 🙂


    Thanks for this info, I will continue to look at it.

    A few more questions:

    #1. If I were to make city categories plus event type categories for sorting, can I use two or more categories in a shortcode to show the event type per city?

    Standard shortcode on the knowledgebase: [tribe_events view=”list” category=”barbecue”]

    Can we do this? [tribe_events view=”list” category=”barbecue” category=”nashville”]

    #2. How does the city filter at the top of The Events Calendar currently work?
    Do I need to add cities as a category for this filter to work? OR Do I only need to add cities as a category if I want to create a shortcode that showed events from a city?

    #3 The Filter Bar is a nice option. Does it come with its own set of shortcodes?

    Thanks so much!


    Hi Lorraine

    To combine categories in a shortcode, it’d look more like [tribe_events view=”list” categories=”barbecue, black-tie”]

    You can see on our demo site how to use the “Near” field: (top row). For this to work, it searches the event description (see the post excerpts on the editor screen for including the city names to be discovered in the “Near” search).

    The 2nd row is our Filter Bar plugin, which can sort out locations much better. It does not include additional shortcodes and only works on the /Events page at this time.

    Calendar View Shortcodes and Widget Shortcodes work only with Events Calendar Pro at this time.

    We have a few other shortcodes for things such as single events

    Is there anything else I can help you with?

    Courtney 🙂

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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