How do you customize the form?

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    I would like to customize the frontend submission form. I understand how to do this (i.e. you copy the relevant files from the community folder to the wp-content/themes/my-theme/ folder) so no need to explain that.

    However, I have searched through the community folder but can’t find anything resembling the markup at the beginning of the form which has the title and description.

    I thought, ‘oh, I’ll start with something easy – i’ll change the width of the title text input.’ But, lo, I can’t find it anywhere in the community folder.

    Where is it? What file?

    Also, where do I go to edit the bit above the form that has the ‘My Events’ button and the ‘Not [username]?’? I can’t find that either.


    You should be able to do what you’re wanting to do using filters.

    To change the ‘Submit Event’ Page title, just paste the following code into your theme’s functions.php file:

    You should be able to change other visual aspects of your form (widht of input fields, etc) by targeting those elements using CSS. You can also add custom CSS using a filter. Try pasting this code into your theme’s functions.php file:

    Feel free to customize that CSS to whatever you need to change the layout of that page.

    Regarding your last question, you should be able to do that with a template override. Just copy everything in ‘wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar-community-events/views/’ to ‘YOUR_THEME_DIR/tribe_events/community/’ and then open ‘modules/header-links.php’ and you should see the applicable code there.

    Let me know if that gets you started on the right track. Thanks!



    How do I customize the frequency area of the form?

    I would like to remove all the table elements and replace them with divs, labels, and so forth.

    All I see in datepicker.php for the frequency output is do_action( ‘tribe_events_date_display’, null, true ). I’ve searched throughout the whole community events folder for this function, but don’t see it anywhere.


    You should be able to do this by performing a template override and then modifying the appropriate files.

    To do this, just create the following new folder structure in your theme directory: ‘tribe-pro/community/’ and then copy over any of the plugin views that you’d like to override from ‘/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar-community-events/views/’.

    The Recurrence display code is located in ‘view/modules/recurrence.php’, so you should be able to perform a template override on that file and modify the HTML markup as needed.

    Let me know if that gets you started in the right direction. Thanks!


    Just wanted to check in and see if you have everything you need here. Thanks!

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