How do I display a calendar on a new page?

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    I’m trying to figure out what I need to do to display a calendar using the template tags that looks and behaves the exact same as the default calendar view but only shows events from one category and/or events with a certain tag. Anytime I try to use a template tag to display anything on a page that isn’t a calendat page none of the stylesheets or scripts are loaded. I can’t figure out how to load them on a custom page. I’ve used

    <?php tribe_show_month( array( 'post_tag' => $current_voyage_slug) ); ?>

    which displays the correct events in a month view but without any styles or JS or AJAX navigation and when I click on the next month it takes me back to the main events calendar? Seems like it should be an easy thing to accomplish but the documentation on here is so vague


    Hey vibethink,

    Thanks for reaching out to us! I apologize for the delayed response. We’re working to get caught up after our team trip this past week.

    Unfortunately we don’t have a straightforward way to add stand alone calendars like you’re describing. We’re working to expand this in future releases and giving users more control on where they’re able to output calendars as well as how many calendars they would like to output on their site.

    Using “tribe_show_month()” is certainly an option for displaying a standalone calendar however the issues (the lack of resources being enqueued as well as the navigation links being relative to the main calendar view) that you’ve pointed out are the key reasons we typically don’t promote this as a go-to option.

    As an alternative, you could try the shortcodes available within the Event Rocket plugin. This will allow you to drop-in some of the more detailed calendar widgets available within the plugin as shortcodes. These will also be integrated in the next release of our plugin.

    I apologize again for the delay. If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to ask.



    OK, thanks. Although not ideal I came up with a workaround using the event calendar category pages instead. The event rocket plugin could come is useful also.


    Hey vibethink,

    Thanks for the feedback. We definitely understand and hear the frustration about not being able to have more control over the display of multiple calendars. It is something that we will be working on in the future.

    I’m glad you were able to get a solution that works for you. I’ll go ahead and close this ticket for now. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to open a new one.


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