How can I modify the CSV importer file to upload custom fields I have created?

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus How can I modify the CSV importer file to upload custom fields I have created?

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  • #749377
    Nancy Barraza

    I’ve created some custom fields, but i want to know how can i import massive events with these custom fields…


    Hi there, Michelle! Welcome to the forums and thanks for getting in touch. 🙂

    Unfortunately, importing custom fields isn’t currently supported and I’m unaware of someone having built something like it. I would imagine it would be a complex customization, but I’d suggest checking out our Developer Docs if you want to try.

    If this is a feature you’d like to see in an upcoming release, you might want submit it as an idea to our UserVoice page. We look there for popular ideas when planning future releases of our products.

    Hopefully that helps to answer your question, but let me know if I can help further. 🙂


    Nancy Barraza

    I think this is a feature that you would have in your new releases 🙂

    Can you let me know, which function can help me to find the importer class?


    Hello Michelle,

    Geoff is taking some well deserved time off so I am going to jump in here.

    There is going to be a bunch of functions and classes to look at for the importer.

    They are found in the-events-calendar/lib/io/csv/

    To get the custom fields there you will have to add them through this class:


    The specific class you would will need to look at for events is in this file:


    That is where you will add the field to the post.

    Does that help get you started?


    Since there is has not been any activity on this thread for over 2 weeks so I am now closing it. Feel free to start a new thread if you have further issues. Thanks! 🙂

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