Hosting parameters for growing Business

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  • #1315438
    Uwe Matern

    Dear Andras,

    this threat is about to start the discussion concerning a new/upgraded server environement.

    It’s also linke to the support ticket: (long running queries).

    So, we consider to either upgrade the existing environement or even completely move to another hosting provider.

    Our expected figures are (in the next 6 months from now).

    * 3000 events in total
    * min. 1000 events actual (means from the current date in the future)
    * 500 organizers
    * 500 visitors/day
    * min 1000 requests/search on our main event page / day (mainly betw 8am and 8pm)
    * result presentation (events found) < 2 sec / per search
    * each event with 30+ entries in the post-meta

    Could you please make a proposol for the server configuration for those figures? Any additional setup hints are also welcome.

    Best regards


    Hi Uwe,

    That’s a great question.

    Providing a complete and detailed proposal for this is beyond what we can offer, but I’d be happy to offer some general notes and guidance 🙂

    • A VPS that can readily be scaled up is a great starting point and makes it easy to rapidly add additional server resources as circumstances require
    • Caching, caching, caching: consider appropriately tuned MySQL query caching, object caching and static page caching in your solution
    • If you are prepared to manage it or have service providers who can provide the management for you, consider a server that is configured without other services – such as Control Panel software – that potentially run alongside and compete with your app (WordPress, in this case) for system resources
    • Prefer PHP 7.x, consider alternatives to MySQL such as MariaDB that may offer you a performance boost
    • Consider using Nginx as your web server

    This, ultimately, is a specialist area and I’m afraid it’s not a simple matter of suggesting you go and buy a plan for a 1024MB VPS: a lot of what’s required to achieve really great performance is in the configuration and setup work.

    I hope that at least gives you some items to consider as you plan this in more detail.

    Uwe Matern

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    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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