Hiding Next and Previous Events when on the details page

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    Hi There,
    On the details page, I’d like to hide the next and previous events as they clutter up the layout.

    How can I do this without hiding the next and previous items shown on the month view. . . Where it shows the name of the next month and the name of the previous month.


    Hey Nancy,

    Thank you for reaching out to us!

    You can achieve what you want with a template override:

    Please access your server via FTP and copy the following file:


    Paste it into:


    Open the file you just copied to your theme’s directory and remove the lines 48, 49 and 81, 82 (i.e. remove the “tribe-events-nav-previous” and “tribe-events-nav-next” li classes).

    I hope this helps! Let me know if you need anything else and I’ll be happy to assist!




    Hi Patricia,

    I followed your directions below. I did have to add a folder to my theme’s
    folder. I called it tribe-events and then placed the file: single-event.php
    into that folder. Then I deleted the li classes you requested in the copied
    file. In both instances what remained were empty

      tags. I’ve
      attached the file that’s being used at

      The result:

      1. The prev and next elements are gone in the details view. This is great
      and what we wanted to accomplish.

      Other problems have arisen

      1. There are no events showing in the month view. They do show in the list
      and week views

      2. The styling in the search bar at the top is now off.

      So first things first, how do we get the events to show in the month view?
      Just an fyi, I’ve set the default view to List. As you know, if you click on
      Month, you’ll see the issue.

      Thanks for all your help Patricia!


      Hi Nancy,

      That’s odd! This template override shouldn’t affect your month view calendar or the styling of your search bar.

      Did you update your WordPress core to 4.8.2? We recently released a Hotfix (The Events Calendar to solve an issue related to the display of events in the default Month View with WordPress 4.8.2.

      Can you please update The Events Calendar and let me know if the problem is solved after that?

      If for some reason the issue persists, please send me your theme files via Google Drive or Drop Box (in a private reply) so I can further investigate your case.




      Hey Patricia,

      This issue seems to have cleared up. . . not sure if you did anything on
      your end or not. I was getting a warning from WordPress about my max_
      input_vars being too low. I called the host and made some adjustments, then
      we “killed” the php, and now all is well.

      But, this does not change the fact that I still have ongoing styling issues.
      The word Month is now way too big. How can this be fixed? Thanks again for
      all your help.



      Everyone has a story.

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      Hi Nancy,

      I’m glad to know your events are displaying properly on month view now!

      This CSS change wasn’t implemented by our template override either (we didn’t change anything associated with your stylesheet during this process).

      The problem is a theme conflict: the following CSS code is causing the issue you are experiencing:

      li {
          font-size: 130% !important;
          line-height: 198% !important;

      If I disable this CSS rule, “month” is correctly displayed in your calendar.

      I would suggest you to remove or edit this rule inside your theme’s style.css file.

      I hope this helps! Let me know if you need anything else in the mean time!

      Best Regards,


      Support Droid

      Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

      Thanks so much!
      The Events Calendar Support Team

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