Hide "Event Tags" title

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  • #287484

    How can I hide/change the “Event Tags” title? I don’t want to hide the tags themselves, just the title. I’ve been hunting forever and can’t find where it’s being called from.


    Thanks for getting in touch! This is definitely possible by performing a template override (to learn more about this check out our themer’s guide) on ‘/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/views/modules/meta/details.php’. Once you’ve overridden and copied this file over to your theme directory, you’ll want to look around line 98 for this code:

    <?php echo tribe_meta_event_tags( __( 'Event Tags:', 'tribe-events-calendar' ), ', ', false ) ?>

    And comment it out like this:

    <?php //echo tribe_meta_event_tags( __( 'Event Tags:', 'tribe-events-calendar' ), ', ', false ) ?>

    Then directly below it, you’ll want to add the following code:

    <?php echo get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), 'post_tag', '<dd class="tribe-event-tags">', ', ', '</dd>' ); ?>

    This should output your list of tags without the tag heading, like this: http://grab.by/yoBU

    Give that a try and let me know if you have further questions. Thanks! 🙂



    I just wanted to follow up and see if you’re all set here or if you still have further questions. Just let me know if you have further questions or if I should go ahead and close out this thread. Thanks! 🙂



    Since I haven’t heard back from you here, I’m going to go ahead and close out this thread. Feel free to start a new thread if you have further issues. Thanks! 🙂


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