Help updating to 3.11 required – events lists and calendars not displaying

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  • #996426

    Hi there,

    Updating to 3.11 destroys my default events list and month views. I am working on a local version to try and fix the issues, but cannot get my head around the changes. I have tried disabling my overrides under my-theme/tribe-events but it makes no difference.

    How can I get guidance on what I need to change? Note, my single event view is fine.

    Here is the live site, on 3.10:

    And a screenshot of the same site on 3.11:

    And yes, I have tried with Twenty Fifteen and it looks fine. So I realise the issue is with my theme, but what I want to know is what has changed since 3.10 to make my theme stop working with your plugin.

    Thank you


    Hi Caroline and welcome back–nice to see you again and sorry for the trouble!

    A lot did change from 3.9 to 3.10 but much less between 3.10 and 3.11.

    Here are the notes of what changed in 3.10. Definitely worth checking out. And here’s what changed in 3.11.

    Do you have any custom templates or functions that might have broken in the update? That’s the first place I would check for sure and temporarily remove them to see if that make a difference.

    The other thing I would suggest trying off the bat is that the template being used in Events > Settings > Display is set to the default events template — just in case there is a conflict with the theme there that can be resolved that way.

    Let’s start there and see what we find. I’m hoping between the documentation of what’s changed and checking for custom changes we can avoid any potential theme conflicts and having to explore that route.



    Thanks Geoff, you had it. For some reason in Settings > Display the ‘Default Page Template’ was selected.


    Phew! I’m so glad that did the trick. Thanks a ton for following up and reaching out–feel free to hit us back up if any other question pop up. 🙂


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