Headway Themes issue?

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    I have used your script before but it was an older version. Well, I installed the events calendar and for some reason when I change the template for all pages the EVENTS page doesnt want to change. You can see here

    If you go to INDUSTRY DIRECTORY it should look like that but when you click the Events page it has the main pages widget. It should not be that and I have edited all the templates and for some reason it is following the main pages layout. It sucks because whatever I do to the first page the events page will follow. Any idea on what i can do to fix this?


    any idea?


    Thanks for getting in touch and sorry to hear you’re having trouble here, but hopefully I can help. Our Events Calendar will use the Page Template that you specify in ‘Events->Settings->Display->Events Template.’ By default the ‘Default Events Template’ is used, and typically provides the most conflict-free experience. You could also try your theme’s ‘Default Page Template’ as an alternative.

    Try changing your settings there and see if that fixes the issue. Thanks! 🙂



    I tried that and got it somewhat figured out but it is not following my page templates. It has its own background picture which no other template has on my site. I can’t for the life of me get rid of the background picture. I changed the main page, post and page templates and it has not effect on the EVENTS page template. Is this page being controlled somewhere else?


    I also can’t protect this page with wishlist member plugin by using the page protection. it seems it is still available for others to see.


    Fixed that part now.


    While I wish I could say that the plugin seamlessly integrates with every plugin and theme out there, the reality is that each theme and plugin have so many settings/options that it would be nearly impossible for us to account for all of those.

    Since it looks like your were able to sort out the issue with the styling in the Headway theme, I would suggest that you reach out to the Wishlist member developer to see if they can help further. We’d be happy to help answer any questions they might have about how our plugins works, and would also suggest that you refer them to our Developer Docs as they investigate.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks! 🙂



    Thanks for confirming that this got you sorted. Since it looks like you’re all set, I’m going to mark this thread “Answered” and close it out.

    By the way, if you have a minute or two, we would love it if you’d write a few words for us here: http://m.tri.be/lo

    Thanks in advance. 🙂


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